A viral rumor about LeBron’s physical transformer dismantled!

Like any NBA superstar, LeBron James had his physical appearance scrutinized upon his return to training. Many rumors have appeared on this subject, including on the initiative of Rob Pelinka, but have been denied in recent hours!

Delighted to find their favorite stars at the end of the summer, NBA fans have taken to checking their physical condition on this occasion. By virtue of its notoriety, LeBron James has not escaped this phenomenon. From the first day of the Lakers’ training camp, on September 28, he made the buzz on social networks. In question ? His alleged weight loss, particularly apparent in a viral photo.

Has LeBron melted this summer? Not really

Shortly before this first appearance in front of cameras and lenses, the King had been the subject of a statement by Rob Pelinka. The latter then asserted that his player had deliberately slimmed down, and warned the competition about the consequences of this change. In the last episode of his Lowe Post Podcast, Zach Lowe initially reached the same conclusion.

We’re going to start with LeBron, who looks good, and who embarked on his pre-season program on his own with two training sessions a day a month before training camp begins. Rob Pelinka insisted he had lost weight. I asked LeBron about it, he didn’t really expand on it, but he said, “Look, I’m always looking for ways to have an advantage, a margin over my opponents. “

Repeated summer workouts, an LBJ who somehow confirms having made changes to his habits … Everything indeed led to believe that the leader of LA had carried out a dry diet during the offseason. However, the journalist ofESPN offered another version, just as exciting for the fans.

I told a source close to LeBron about it, and he wouldn’t necessarily have lost weight, but rather gained lean muscle mass.

What conclusions can be drawn from this very specific muscle gain? No doubt he is preparing to evolve more as a strong winger, and therefore to have to make his power speak. The whole, while being able also to gain in explosiveness, so as to be able to present the famous “advantage” on its direct adversaries at the post 4.

LeBron James would therefore not have put on a diet this summer, but would rather have reworked his musculature, to ultimately appear thinner. Don’t panic, the King will in principle remain a buffalo this season!


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