Brutal KO with fatal consequences. The American wrestler died

The foreign battle scene was shrouded in grief. Justin Thornton died in the aftermath of the brutal knockout at the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship, he was 38 years old. BKFC President Dave Feldman reported on the death of the American wrestler. However, the exact cause of death has not been announced.


“This morning we were very saddened by the announcement of the death of our fighter Justin Thornton, who fought on August 20, 2021. We join the rest of the martial arts community and express our sincere condolences to his family and loved ones,” Feldman said.

The organization specializes in glove-free matches, and the Mississippi tournament was held in the same vein. Thornton fought Dillon Cleckler in heavyweight, but the fight lasted only eighteen seconds. Right from the beginning, a fairly decent skirmish ensued, during which Thornton collected a hard right, after which he went to the ground. The American was taken from the ring on a stretcher and was subsequently hospitalized for several weeks. According to other sources, he had an injured spinal cord and was paralyzed from the head down.

For Thornton, it was a premiere at BKFC. Until then, he was mainly involved in MMA, in which he competed in twenty-four duels, during which he scored six wins and eighteen defeats. During his career, he also fought with current UFC fighters.



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