Gong Xiaobin confirms his retirement as Shandong coach: I wish I have a rest for the Shandong team_head coach

Original title: Gong Xiaobin confirms his retirement as the Shandong coach: I wish the Shandong team a rest

On the first day of the National Day holiday, there was heavy news in the Chinese basketball world: Gong Xiaobin no longer serves as the head coach of the Shandong Men’s Basketball Team. After verification by the new Yellow River reporter, Gong Xiaobin confirmed that he has stepped down as the head coach of the Shandong Men’s Basketball Team, “blessing the Shandong team, I have a rest.”

On April 23, 2019, Xuan Gong Xiaobin, an official of the Mountain East West Basketball Club, served as the team’s general manager and head coach. In the first season of returning from Qingdao to the Shandong Men’s Basketball Team, Gong Xiaobin led the team to a good result of 19 wins and 11 losses in the first 30 rounds, ranking fourth in the regular season. Afterwards, due to the epidemic, the two foreign aids Hudson and Metz were unable to return to China to compete. The Shandong men’s basketball team, who played in the CBA semi-final with a full-Chinese lineup, did not perform well and was blocked by the same provincial team Qingdao in the first round of the playoffs. Outside the quarterfinals. In the 2020-2021 season, Gong Xiaobin led the Shandong Men’s Basketball Team to overcome many difficulties such as arrears of salary. The regular season achieved a record of 33 wins and 21 losses and ranked fifth. The playoffs even defeated Guangzhou and Xinjiang in the semifinals, losing to Guangdong and stopping in the semifinals. It should be said that Gong Xiaobin’s performance in coaching the Shandong Men’s Basketball Team for the third time is remarkable.

However, in the two seasons when Gong Xiaobin served as the team’s general manager and head coach, Ding Yanyuhang has not returned to the team. After Shandong High Speed ​​Group took over the Shandong Men’s Basketball Team again, Gong Xiaobin and the new club could not reach a consensus on some issues. This may be the most fundamental reason for his “resignation due to physical reasons.” (Jinan Times)Return to Sohu to see more


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