In January 2022, Pogba will be free


Media365 editorial staff, published on Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 11:05 am

Paul Pogba is in the last year of his contract with Manchester United. Mino Raiola sets the record straight.

For several months now, the future of Paul Pogba has been the source of many discussions on the side of Manchester United. At the end of the contract in June 2022, the French midfielder has still not decided where he will play next season and the Mancunian leaders will still need patience to find out more, the fault of a Mino Raiola maneuvering to raise the stakes.

Based on information from AS, Paul Pogba’s agent has told Manchester United there is no question of discussing any extension until April. Not a very good omen for the Red Devils since from January, the tricolor world champion will be free to sign wherever he sees fit. With such a way of doing things, Mino Raiola hopes to get the best out of his foal’s situation.


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