Inter-Juve, Moratti: “Being Inter fans is better than everything. Bonucci? Wrong “

Other statements by the former president: “It will be a battle, eyes on Barella. With Inzaghi, the game is more fun, now balance is needed”

Alessandro Cavasinni

After the words of this morning, Massimo Moratti also gave an interview to Gazzetta dello Sport. And also in this case the words of the former patron vanish at 360 degrees.

Massimo Moratti, did you prefer Inter last year, solid and hermetic, or the current one that scores a lot but makes too many goals?

“The solid Inter of a year ago was needed to win the championship after a long time and also gave satisfaction with the character. From a footballing point of view this is more fun, also because there are players of greater class.”

But now we need some balance.

“That too will come shortly. The match against Lazio can be a turning point for the coach and for the club. You need to know how to find the moment of resistance. Certain matches must be conducted in port.”

What game are you expecting on Sunday evening?

“Beautiful. On the one hand, there is Juve which returns to being tetragonal, who pay attention to the point and try to win at all costs, we are looking for a new personality and in some moments we play really well.”

And in the battle who could be exalted?

“Everyone will have to do it, but obviously the thought goes to Barella. One who always gives his soul. Let alone against Juve.”

What do you answer to Bonucci who has just said that the last Scudetto was more a demerit for Juve than for Inter?

“Bonucci could add for Juve’s ‘notable’ demerits. That was better for him. Then I don’t understand this exit. A championship is won by the strongest team and last year Inter were clearly stronger than Juve. he talks about his league titles lost due to demerit and it never ends “.

When Juve arrives it’s even better to be Inter fans because ….

“… because being Inter is better than everything anyway. Not only when Juve arrives.”


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