Jaz Elle and Jaden Agassi: What are Steffi Graf’s children doing?

Steffi Graf and husband Andre Agassi at a gala in Paris on June 2, 2018. The tennis dream couple has two grown-up children.

Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi have long been the dream couple in the tennis world. The two former professionals have two children, Jaden and Jaz Elle, who are now setting out to shape their own lives.

Las Vegas. Tennis icon Steffi Graf (52) and her husband Andre Agassi (51) have had glorious and turbulent careers. After decades in the limelight, they have managed to keep their two children relatively safe and raise them out of the public eye. But how do the offspring of the tennis icons actually tick?

In the meantime, both of them have matured into adults and lead independent lives. While son Jaden Agassi (19) is aiming for a career as a professional baseball player, daughter Jaz Elle Agassi (18) is much less aware of it.

Jaden Agassi, the baseball talent

Of course, as the son of two tennis legends, Jaden Agassi also played with the yellow felt ball. “Against the garage wall for an hour, then he was almost tired,” his father once recalled in an Instagram video. But Jaden showed all the more passion for another sport: “When he was five, he picked up a baseball and has not let go of it since,” reported his father.

The once little boy from Steffi Graf has long since developed into a seasoned man. Baseball is still the focus for Jaden: Since 2020 he has been playing at the famous University of Southern California (UCS) for the “Trojans” in Los Angeles. When signing the contract, of course, his parents accompanied him. The baseball team from California has won the prestigious College World Series twelve times in the past. A title that the young Agassi would also like to bag.

It goes without saying that the USC officials proudly announced the prominent newcomer. In an Instagram video, the university not only showed Jaden, but first of all his two famous parents.

In the past year, however, Jaden had to sit out for a long time due to an elbow operation. A ligament that was torn at the ulna was replaced by another tendon. The healing process should take about a year. It is currently unknown whether the Agassi son has fully recovered.

His youth coach Evan Greusel (42) nevertheless attested the aspiring baseball talent an “excellent hand-eye coordination and extraordinary abilities as a pitcher and as a batter”. Jaden also has “quick legs”. It remains to be seen whether the Graf son will make the leap into Major League Baseball (MLB) and thus professional sport.

Steffi Graf’s daughter Jaz Elle Agassi keeps a low profile

Little is known about the life of the daughter of the tennis icons. In contrast to her brother and Graf’s niece Talia (21), who share a lot with the public on the Internet, the Agassi daughter’s Instagram account is private. Jaz Elle only gives people a glimpse on her TikTok account.

Jaz Elle Agassi, the daughter of Steffi Graf, on a sofa in one of her TikTok videos

Steffi Graf’s daughter Jaz Elle Agassi in one of her TikTok videos

Jaz Elle probably doesn’t want to become a professional athlete. But she danced hip-hop for a long time and even won a few tournaments. “But one day she said very directly, ‘I don’t see an endgame in this,’” her father recalled. (job)


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