Juventus, for Dybala the stop due to injury is extended: a month off

The Argentine needs more time. Allegri: “No relapse. We thought he might need a few days less … “

Paulo Dybala not only misses Roma, he totally bypasses the decisive week of this end of 2021. The Argentine is still struggling with recovery from a muscle elongation: the absence of an injury had made us think positively about the return times, but now we go towards the stop month. The ten of Juve had stopped in the lunch match with Sampdoria, last September 26, leaving the field in tears in the twenty-first minute of the first half. Allegri in the last press conference updated the roadmap to make it available again.


“Sorry for having left the field, but happy for the victory – wrote Joya to celebrate the first seasonal success at the Juventus Stadium, against the Blucerciati -. Tomorrow I will take the exams, but I am already thinking of returning as soon as possible ”. And actually the following day he showed up at J Medical together with Alvaro Morata, who in the face of the results of the instrumental examinations seemed to have to stay out more time, having remedied a low-grade muscle injury of the hamstring of the right thigh, unlike the Argentine. From that moment the recovery process began, and Paulo evidently needed more time to dispose of the injury: now he is heading towards the forfeit against Zenit, Inter and Sassuolo. According to Allegri, he could return to the field with Hellas Verona on October 30th.


The extended recovery times compared to a first evaluation bring back the shadows of the past season, heavily affected by injuries, so much so that Pirlo was able to use Dybala for only 1300 minutes. Allegri, however, clarifies the situation: “No relapse, he is respecting the times and there has been no problem. We thought you might need a few days less, but when these muscular things happen to you, sometimes the times vary according to situation in situation “. Max is therefore waiting for his ten, which from the beginning he has foreseen at the center of the new Juventus project. And the person concerned also wants to close the renewal issue soon. Celebrating together with the fans, as a protagonist, on the pitch.



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