The basketball coach of the San Felipe Neri school in Cádiz dies

Dismay in the Marianist family and in the Cadiz sport. Paco Sanz, college basketball coach San Felipe Neri of Cádiz, has died in hospital. Born in 1969, he was currently the coach of the school’s junior women’s team, with students from both high school courses. He was also a worker at the center in the administrative area.

The news, which spread through the networks this morning, has been a real blow to the entire educational community. Parents and students They highlighted this Sunday the human and close character of the athlete, always attentive to his players whom he constantly encouraged, both in progress in sport and in study.

He himself was a student of San Felipe Neri. There, after finishing his studies, he joined the coaching team. That was a quarter of a century ago. Soon he would become an irreplaceable person for his work capacity and for his motivation in training the members of his teams. Another of his passions was photography and Easter.



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