The Dukuri brothers enter the top ten of the season

Latvian skeletonist Thomas Dukurs took the 6th place in the first international competition on the Olympic track in Beijing on Monday, but Martin Dukurs took the eighth place.

In the first race on the Yanchin track, Dukurs was 1.08 seconds behind the German leader Alexander Gasner. In second place was Marcus Vyat from the USA, and in third place was Axel Jungk from Germany.

German Christopher Grother and Russian Nikita Tregubov were also behind the podium.

In the first race, T. Dukurs showed the same result as Jisu Kim from South Korea and took the split sixth place. In the second race, Dukura’s performance was the ninth best, but he took the 6th place in the overall rating.

Martins Dukurs took the eighth place in the sum of two races, 1.22 seconds behind the leader. In the first race M.Dukurs reached the 8th best time, but in the second race he shared the tenth place with Kim.

Thirty skeletonists took part in the control competition on the Beijing Olympic Games track.



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