The Sports Schools return to Pontevedra | Radio Pontevedra

The Council of Pontevedra will open the registration for the Municipal Sports Schools tomorrow. It will be online and with an offer of more than 2,000 places in 20 different specialties. The councilor Tino Fernández announced this morning the publication in the BOP of the bases of the call for the Escolas with an endowment of € 250,000, so that the clubs can now make their requests. The deputy mayor hopes that the program, which involves a municipal contribution of 82 euros per person (in 2019 it was 60 euros), can be launched on Monday, October 18.

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Applications may be submitted until 10:00 am on Monday, October 11 through the specific link that will be posted on the Council’s website:

Tino Fernández indicated that, in order to avoid ‘queues’ and the overcrowding of the Municipal Sports Service (SMD), “this year the registration system will be computerized”, having two computers in the SMD offices, in the Pavilion of the Sports, in the morning and in the afternoon for those people who do not have a computer equipment at home or who have difficulties to handle it or to understand the operation of the application.

“Those who want to do the management from home, which we hope will be the majority, will be able to do so throughout the weekend. There is a first pre-registration phase, which will consist of the formalization of the application. After it, a provisional information period of two days in which the lists will be posted on the website of the City Council for possible claims, which can be made in the electronic headquarters itself and also by mail or telephone. And if necessary, there is more demand than supply, there would be a draw that would be held in person in the stands of the Pavilion ”.

In a fourth phase, the definitive lists will be announced and the activities could be launched, leading to the final phase of registration itself, which would be carried out by the clubs themselves throughout the month of October.

Compared to other town councils, Pontevedra offers a huge variety of sports specialties: athletics, badminton, basketball, rugby, soccer, futsal, volleyball, handball, fencing, tennis, paddle tennis, table tennis, judo, taekwondo, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline gymnastics, acrobatic gymnastics, sports orientation, sports climbing and chess ”, explained Tino Fernández.

On the other hand, Tino Fernández wanted to make it clear that there may be an audience in sports facilities, remembering that clubs have to request it and meet requirements such as controlling capacity.

The Councilor for Sports wanted to get out “of a legend that the circular was interested in and that is false”, consisting of the fact that fathers and mothers cannot attend games because the council prohibits entry to sporting events. “The person or club that says that, literally, is lying. And he lies because the physicovid protocols elaborated at the time established that, in general, one could not attend the games because that was what the Xunta de Galicia set.

But we, in that same paragraph, established a clause that said that the SMD could authorize the use of the benches provided that a series of requirements are met, “said Tino Fernández.


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