The youth Girona links the second victory against Atlètic Balears and looks up

Joel Roca in a match action. | ATHLETIC BALEARICS

Excellent victory for Girona’s youth team against Atlètic Balears (1-0), the second in a row, to continue climbing positions and looking up in the standings. Good start to the game for Alex Marsal’s team. Iker Garcia put Girona ahead in the eleventh minute. Well planted on the field, the white-and-reds were about to widen the gap through Kemo, but Pau made a great stop.

In the second half, the youth was very solid in defense and tried to take advantage of a counterattack led by Joel Roca to sentence. They lacked concretion. Without the success of either set, the scoreboard did not move and Girona added the three points again. Second consecutive victory to dispel the doubts of the start of the season.



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