Weißenfels and Chemnitz surprise in the Bundesliga, basketball news ticker

Chemnitz won at the Löwen Braunschweig despite a clear deficit with 93:84 (51:47) and, like the MBC (95:73 against s.Oliver Würzburg), got their third success on the 4th matchday.

In a wild match, Chemnitz was already behind with 20 points (21: 41/11 minutes) in the second quarter. Until the break, the Saxons turned the game and allowed only six points in the nine minutes up to half-time. In the fourth quarter, the guests decided the game and won by nine points. The Lithuanian Mindaugas Susinskas was the most accurate Chemnitz with 19 points.

The MBC from Weißenfels benefited from a 14-0 run against Würzburg in the second quarter and went into the dressing room with a 42:31. The hosts then expanded their lead and secured their third success in a row. The best thrower at the MBC was Nikola Rebic with 19 points.

Less than a week after the impressive 74:62 win against Master Alba Berlin, the MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg surprisingly lost 69:78 (31:42) at the BG Göttingen. Kamar Baldwin (21 points) and Jake Toolson (20) convinced the Lower Saxony.

ratiopharm Ulm decided the match at the Hakro Merlins Crailsheim clearly with 93:71 (46:45) and won the second win of the season. The best thrower for the Ulm team was Jaron Blossomgame with 16 points.

Stand: 16.10.2021, 22:44


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