With the awards in the shooting discipline, in the men’s and women’s branches, the SSC carried out the closing of the “Poliolimpiadas 2021”

Press release 2281

The Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) of Mexico City, carried out the awards in the shooting discipline, in the women’s and men’s branches, in its FBI, Police and SWAT modalities, and concluded the “Poliolimpiadas 2021”, in the facilities of the Stand of Tiro, located in the Venustiano Carranza mayor’s office.

The event was headed by the Undersecretary of Citizen Participation and Crime Prevention, Pablo Vázquez Camacho; the Undersecretary of Intelligence and Police Investigation, Dr. Hermenegildo Lugo Lara; and the Director General of the Banking and Industrial Police (PBI) Elpidio de la Cruz Contreras.

It was on July 15 that the Inauguration Ceremony was held and they were held, in different venues, such as the University and the Police Museum of Mexico City, the Shooting Stand, among others, with the aim of encourage a competitive spirit, promote integration and a taste for sport among SSC staff.

During three months, 1,540 policemen competed in 18 disciplines, chess, athletics, boxing, cycling, crossfit, racquetball, fronton, volleyball, soccer, jiu jitsu, judo, swimming, powerlifting, baseball, taekwondo, table tennis, basketball and shooting. in its modalities FBI, Police and SWAT, and more than 300 medals were awarded to all participants for their sporting effort.

During his speech, when representing the Secretary of Citizen Security of Mexico City, Omar García Harfuch; the Undersecretary of Citizen Participation and Crime Prevention, mentioned that 18 disciplines were being awarded, and “one of the most important disciplines that are closer to police work is shooting.”

He highlighted the talent that exists in the SSC, both in the men’s and women’s branches, and after congratulating the participants, thanked their enthusiasm “for having made an effort on this call with such a hunger for success” and said “we can say that the The event has been a great success and that we are going to continue holding this type of event ”.

He highlighted that the Secretary had an event with the World Boxing Council (CMB), to guide a series of activities that will be developed hand in hand with the areas in each of the Undersecretaries and in each of the complementary police where there are areas that are exclusively dedicated to the subject of sport and will be working with them, with Traffic Control, with the Undersecretariat of Intelligence, the Auxiliary Police (PA), to truly make sport an axis of police development, is the commitment and what the Secretary asked to transmit.

During his speech, Chief Commissioner Elpidio de la Cruz Contreras, Director General of the PBI said that “in all shooting modalities the participating police officers demonstrated skills that not only contribute to an excellent physical and mental performance, but also provide foundations and confidence. when facing crime ”.

He concluded his participation by congratulating the shooting medalists and all the participants of the Poliolimpiadas and said that “with this work that we have done together, we give a new meaning to police work by prioritizing our human resources in order to position our institution as the best public force in the country, congratulations ”.

Also present at the event were the Senior Officer, Mr. Celso Sánchez Fuentevilla, the Director of School Safety, Adalberta Peláez Juárez; and the Executive Director of Health and Social Welfare of the SSC, teacher Miguel Godínez Sáinz.


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