a judoka found hanged in a forest, the suicide thesis dismissed

While an investigation was initially opened for “search for the causes of death”, the police have been working since Wednesday on a criminal track.

On October 30, a jogger running in the Plaisir forest, in Yvelines, reported to the authorities that he had discovered a body hanging from a tree. It was not until Tuesday, November 9 that the corpse was identified as being that of Antoine Seguin. On October 29, the day of his disappearance, the 35-year-old athlete was to join friends for an evening, according to The Parisian .

If the investigators initially thought of suicide, certain disturbing elements finally directed them on the criminal track, indicates the daily, stressing that a criminal investigation, entrusted to the criminal brigade of the judicial police of Versailles, was launched Wednesday. November 10.

Disguised crime?

According to The Parisian, the investigations would have made it possible in particular to discover in the telephone of the deceased a message announcing his desire to put an end to it. But the latter was never sent. In addition, always according to The Parisian, the autopsy carried out on November 4 revealed that Antoine Seguin had suffered several beatings before being hanged, leading investigators to believe that it was a crime disguised as suicide.

On Twitter, the deputy mayor of Suresnes in charge of sport paid tribute to this “young and dynamic President of the Judo Club of Suresnes»With whom he had exchanged«about his projects for his club and his passion for Judo».

A graduate of Sciences Po Toulouse in 2012, Antoine Seguin had completed his end-of-studies internship at the audit and consulting firm KPMG before joining La Banque Postale where, since 2017, he was notably in charge of studies and projects trustees, reports the Sciences Po Toulouse alumni website. He was also a candidate for municipal elections in 2014 in Suresnes and for departmental elections in 2015 in Hauts-de-Seine.

Originally from Thouars in Deux-Sèvres, he practiced judo at a high level and had just been elected president of the Judo Club of Suresnes, where he resided.



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