BBL: First win of the season for Bayern’s basketball players

The Munich team clearly prevail with 96:80 (57:42). “We have to become more consistent as soon as possible. We have a lot of new players and have had little time so far. Now we have to continue in the Euroleague,” said Bayern’s Ognjen Jaramaz after the duel.

After just ten minutes, coach Andrea Trinchieri’s team was leading 30:17. The hosts defended their lead without any problems and had their best shooter in Deshaun Thomas (18 points). Benedikt Turudic (17) was the most successful for Lower Saxony. On Tuesday, after two defeats, Munich will be challenged to start the Euroleague at Unics Kazan.

Bayern Munich – Löwen Braunschweig 96:80 (57:42).

Best Throwers: Thomas (18), Jaramaz (16), Walden (14), Hilliard (12), Djedovic (11), Schilling (10) for Munich – Turudic (17), Amaize (13) for Braunschweig.

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Hamburg also takes its first victory

While the Fraport Skyliners from Frankfurt remained without points in their 64:74 (31:43) against Hamburg Towers in the third game of the season, the Hanseatic team won for the first time. Robin Christen convinced the guests with 19 points. 17 points from veteran Quantez Robertson were too few for the Hessen team.

The second success in the third match was achieved by the Syntainics MBC from Weißenfels. The club from Saxony-Anhalt won against the Hakro Merlins Crailsheim after extra time with 116: 111 (99:99, 55:53). The Iranian Behnam Yakhchali convinced the MBC with 24 points.

Bamberg continues the successful series

Brose Bamberg remains unbeaten in the league. At ratiopharm Ulm, the former series champion already prevailed on Saturday with 94:83 (44:45). Telekom Baskets Bonn and Niners Chemnitz, on the other hand, each suffered their first defeat of the season. Bonn lost to the BG Göttingen 81:90 (38:42), Chemnitz lost at home to medi Bayreuth 72:86 (34:38).


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