Chinese tenniswoman Shuai Peng has disappeared since her rape accusations

A week after publicly accusing former Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of raping her, the sportswoman did not give any sign of life, causing a wave of concerns.

What happened to Shuai Peng? The 35-year-old Chinese tennis player has not given any sign of life for a week, reports the daily Le Monde. Either right after the publication of his explosive accusation on his Weibo account (the equivalent of Facebook in China). In a long text, Peng Shuai claimed to have had, three years ago, forced sex with former Vice Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli, who was from 2013 to 2018 one of the most powerful politicians in China. . While censorship quickly wiped the message off the Chinese internet, screenshots spread like wildfire. AFP has not been able to determine whether the message was written by Peng Shuai and his entourage has declined to comment since.

More worryingly, the main concerned herself has not published any more message, or even simply given a sign of life. Zhang Gaoli, for his part, has not reacted publicly. According to Weibo data, a post on the player’s official account on Tuesday has been viewed more than 100,000 times but the content is not specified. The embarrassing revelations come days before a major Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conclave in Beijing with the country’s top leaders. As of Thursday, searches for both Peng Shuai and Zhang Gaoli were still blocked on Weibo and the Baidu search engine. The player’s official account was still active, but searches with her name did not yield any results on the platform.

China has seen a very sanitized version of the MeToo movement since 2018, with accusations of sexual harassment targeting stars of the song or the small screen, but never so far politicians. Zhang Gaoli, around 75, was until early 2018 a permanent member of the CCP’s political bureau and as such one of the seven most powerful men in China. He is considered close to Prime Minister Li Keqiang. In his message, Peng Shuai, who won the Roland Garros tournament in doubles in 2014, said that Mr. Zhang forced him to have sex in his room after a game of tennis, seven years after having already slept with him. “I was very scared. That afternoon, I initially refused. I kept cryingShe writes. “In fear and in turmoil (…) I gave in and we had sex“. She adds that Mr. Zhang’s wife knew about it and “kept guard outside».

You were always afraid that I would hide a tape recorder

Shuai Peng

Peng Shuai specifies that she then became the mistress of the ex-leader, until an argument last week. She adds that she has no evidence to support her claims. “You were always afraid that I would hide a tape recorderShe wrote, addressing Mr. Zhang. “You will certainly deny it or else you will go so far as to attack me“. From the United States, Chinese feminist activist Lu Pin felt that the tenniswoman’s accusations had all the exterior of a MeToo affair. “Peng Shuai is an extraordinary Chinese woman who fought on her own to achieve world-class results and yet she had to deal with this sort of thing, which is really distressing.», Commented Lu Pin for AFP. Former world number one in doubles, Peng Shuai is currently ranked 189th by the WTA.



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