Davis Cup 2021: Djokovic beats Novak for Serbia to take Innsbruck

Djokovic venci a [Dennis] Novak. It is almost a motivational phrase or a movie title, but it is the conclusion of the debut of the world number 1 in the Davis Cup Finals by Rakuten. Key for your country to take Innsbruck ante Austria and step foot into the quarterfinals. They will have to beat Germany, but the strength of ‘Nole‘for this type of party is well known.

Serbia started suffering, as its player who opens the individual matches, Dusan Lajovic, live as Gerald Melzer He gave more fight than expected on paper. A tie-break to start, the reaction of the Austrian in the second and a fight in the third so that Lajovic impose itself and fulfill the part of the role that all Serbs have to carry out: winning so that Djokovic sentence before the rival number 1.

And so it was. Novak Djokovic salt ante Dennis Novak and it did not invite local optimism. Although little optimism may exist in the empty stands of the Tirol due to restrictions affecting Austria at the moment. Novak endured six games to Djokovic, until the seventh came the champion cyclone of three Grand Slams in 2021. He scored the first with 6-3 and that strength was maintained in the second starting with a break. Perfect presentation in society of the player on whom all the spotlights are pointing in the Davis.

The game of Djokovic it was based on a magisterial defense. Clinging to the bottom and solid as usual to return everything. A wall, with an optimal way of playing on the fast track of Innsbruck. It sealed with 6-2 the victory and the triumph of Serbia in its first match of Davis Cup. A result that is the 35 time that ‘Nole‘raises his arms in the competition for the’ Silver Salad Bowl ‘, the player who has done it the most times in the history of his country.

Right after beating Novak I decided not to participate in the doubles match. Djokovic is reserved for the momentous duel before the Alemania de Struff, Koepfer, Gojowczyk, Kevin Krawietz and Tim Puetz. A victory can bring closer to Serbia To dream of repeating one of the feats that the number 1 in the world will never forget. Its ‘Salad bowl‘from 2010.



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