Juaristi ISB and the greatest feat in the history of the modest town of Azpeitia

Juaristi ISB and the greatest feat in the history of the modest town of Azpeitia

Separated from the capital of Spain by 421 kilometers and with barely 15,000 inhabitants, the modest town of Azpeitia will forever keep the date of this Sunday, October 31, as the one in which they starred in one of the greatest feats in its history. A population whose first inhabitants settled in the region 700 years ago and whose heirs have been able to see how their Juaristi ISB prevailed in the Municipal Pavilion over a Movistar Estudiantes who had just arrived from the Endesa League to sign their first triumph of the course.


When an undefeated leader visits the court of a bottom player who has not yet been able to release his locker, the prognosis of the match is usually sensed relatively clear during the previous hours.

In any competition except one, one Liga LEB Oro in which we have witnessed the greatest historical feats within the two and a half decades of life of a League in which there are no easy encounters. This is how its protagonists usually ratify it on the parquet, but also outside it, pronouncing again and again that of: “Nothing can be taken of course here”.

A statement that has been revealed once again on the afternoon of a Sunday, October 31, that will go down in the history of the modest town of Azpeitia like that day in which they managed to impose on their fiefdom a whole newcomer from the Endesa League like the Movistar Students. Triumph of those that perhaps was not initially contemplated in the roadmap of the Juaristi ISB but that, without any doubt, will suppose a whole impulse at a mental level for a team that managed to release its locker of the season in this way (88-72 / 1-4).

Valuable on the emotional level for what it will mean for the Basque team to have been able to impose on that team that no other had been able to defeat, a Movistar Estudiantes that had closed the preseason with an immaculate balance (7-0) before starting a Regular League in which they had led the table seamless so far (4-0). A loss after 11 consecutive victories and that it has arrived in one of those places that previously had been equally cursed for clubs as a Girona basketball who lost there a LEB Silver Cup final being the leader of the category or for a Barça B that last year the two finals (League and Cup) were left against a club that managed to ascend to the Liga LEB Oro.

And it is that if they are characterized in Azpeitia for something, it is for their ability to make the impossible possible. To rub shoulders with a city of 3.5 million inhabitants from a modest town that does not exceed 15.000 or to even be able to opt for victory against a team full of stars with a team that stands out for the presence of up to seven Basque playerss.

A whole philosophy of life immovable for its managers and that has been able to assimilate to perfection another of those men of the house, a Iñaki Jiménez who lives the sweetest moment of his career as a coach with a complicated mission, to be able to opt for permanence in a category that does not scare the least but for which they feel a deep respect. This was demonstrated three years ago during their first experience and throughout a campaign in which they could not materialize a continuity that escaped despite having achieved 12 victories from the cut with relegation.

Therefore, if something has been clear in this LEB Oro is that the Juaristi ISB will still have much to say in a competition in which neither the budget nor the difficulties will be an impediment to being able to fight every day for the honor of little Azpeitia.



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