Kevin Strijbos (36) will soon end career: “It’s over” | Motocross

Kevin Strijbos (Yamaha) was a fixture in motocross for over 15 years. At 36 he thinks the time is right to hang up his motorcycle. Last weekend Strijbos finished 30th in the MXGP of Hungary, in the World Cup standings he is 21st.

“I feel like it’s a bit worn out at the moment, both mentally and physically,” Strijbos responded in an interview with our colleagues at PlaySports.

“It’s bad, but I can’t help it. I would also rather finish in the top 10 in my last matches. But I still have little fighting spirit in me.”

It’s not that Strijbos is tired of motocross. “I still like it very much. I still look forward to the training sessions and recharge for the competitions. But when I’ve done 2 rounds, I notice that it’s over.”

“If I have to carry on like this, it won’t be fun for me anymore. I know I can do better or am better, but it just doesn’t work anymore.”

On Wednesday Strijbos will ride the last MXGP of his career in Mantua. “It will be a serious weight off my shoulders when it’s over. Wednesday some friends will come down to celebrate my last game.”


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