Metropolitan Men’s Basketball Team is Coming with Thunder

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In the 6th week of the league, a new defeat was added to the defeats of Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Mersin Sports Club Men’s Basketball Team in the last matches due to player injuries that have been experienced intensely in the last weeks. The team, which continues its training without interruption, is preparing to blow like a storm on the field in the coming weeks with a full squad.

“O2 of the players were injured at the start of the cup”

MSK Men’s Basketball Team Head Coach Hikmet Şahin Ateşdağlı emphasized that they are fighting in a very tough and strong league. Ateşdağlı also stated that the majority of the teams they faced had previously competed in the Super League and European Cup, and drew attention to the intense injuries of the team players in the last weeks. Emphasizing that they are a very strong and dynamic team despite the bad luck in the last weeks, Ateşdağlı said, “O2 of the players were injured at the start of the cup. We did not take advantage of them. While they were in the turning phase, the young player of our team, Atakan, who was the quarterback, suffered a stress fracture in his hand. We haven’t been able to use it for 3-4 weeks. You can play 2 foreign players in this league. I don’t count the Konya match because our short foreign player had a problem with his wrist.” said.

“Our energy, our struggle, our fighting power are at a high level”

Emphasizing that they have a high energy despite the defeats in the last matches, Ateşdağlı said:

“We have been playing without strangers for 4 matches and we are playing against good teams. Because of that, we lost momentum. We didn’t lose by playing badly, we played well. The quarterback position is a very important thing in basketball. In those breaking moments, we feel our lack in that position. But our energy, our struggle, our fighting power is at a very high level. I think we are on the right track. In the next 2 weeks, we will enter a period where we will play easier matches with the full squad. While we are gaining momentum there, teams that gain momentum there will start to play with each other. I think the league will be balanced. Because there is not such a big break.”

“As we continue to work, we and the fans will win those games”

Sezgin Eriş, one of the quarterbacks of the team, reminded that they started the season well and stated that they had bad luck in the last two games. reach, “The team played very well in the last two games, but we didn’t win. That doesn’t mean we can’t win other weeks. We will continue our work. As we continue to work, we will win those games together with the fans. Fans are also welcome. Because together we will be strong” said.

We continue with a bang”

Barış Çağan Özkan, one of the playmakers of the team, who stated that they continue the training, said that their motivation is high. “We continue with a bang. It’s a long marathon after all. We are trying to build the foundations to reach the happy ending. In the meantime, we may experience occasional accidents. But in the end, I think we will be the happy side. We establish the necessary bonds with our teammates on and off the field. We are constantly trying to pull each other up. I think we will be the team that won the last game of the league and went to the top game.” made statements.

Release Date:12.11.2021 08:16:20


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