Michael Basile, the brother of the Olympic judo champion Fabio died suddenly: he was 31 years old

The brother of Fabio, Olympic champion in judo in Rio 2016, he died suddenly. Michael Basile was 31 years old. The news of the tragic event – the causes of which are still to be ascertained – was given by the mother, Tiziana, and by the judoka himself through posts on social media. “Hi Mike, blood of my blood. I loved you … I will miss you so much », writes Fabio, who had found an example and a guide in his older brother – also a judo athlete.

«We wanted you with all our heart and when you arrived you filled our life with joy – the words of the mother, accompanied by a photo of the young man -. You were so small and fragile. And even when you were “big” you were: hard on the outside and tender on the inside ».

The autopsy will determine the causes of death. According to what has been reconstructed, Michael Basile’s body was found at home last Friday, after family members were alarmed by the failure to answer phone calls.

Last updated: Tuesday 23 November 2021, 22:39




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