No specific date yet: Biden and Xi want to meet virtually on Monday – politics

US President Joe Biden and China’s President Xi Jinping plan to come together for a highly anticipated video switch on Monday. The White House announced on Friday that the conversation is planned for Monday evening, Washington time. A virtual meeting of this kind had been promised several weeks ago. However, there has not yet been a specific date for this.

The deliberations of the two heads of state via video fall at a time of severe tensions between the United States and China. The White House announced that the two wanted to discuss how their countries’ competition should be organized in a responsible manner.

The video conference will be about a “responsible” handling of the “competition” between the two countries, said Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki on Friday. At the same time, opportunities for cooperation on topics of mutual interest should be discussed.

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“President Biden will make clear the intentions and priorities of the United States and clearly and openly address our concerns about the People’s Republic of China,” said Psaki. US media had already reported on Thursday the video summit between Biden and Xi will probably take place on Monday.
Tensions between the world’s two largest economies had recently increased significantly, particularly with regard to Taiwan. The government in Beijing sees the island as a breakaway province, which, if necessary, should be reunited with the mainland by military force. The United States recently protested behind the government in Taipei.
There had also been arguments between Beijing and Washington over the past few years on trade issues, because of the human rights situation in China and how Hong Kong was dealt with.

On Wednesday, however, an announcement by the two countries on the sidelines of the world climate conference in Glasgow caused a sensation. The world’s two largest greenhouse gas emitters vowed to want to work together on climate protection in the future.
Biden sees the economically and militarily up-and-coming China as the greatest geopolitical challenge of the 21st century and intends to resolutely oppose the government in Beijing. At the same time, he seeks cooperation on issues such as climate protection. (dpa)


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