Opes 5-a-side football championship: four with more than one foot in Serie A

The Koi Sushi team

The results of the 3rd day are completed in Group A, the Tabaccheria corner wins the big match against the Divino 3.0 and in fact puts both feet in Serie A. A substantially balanced match: first chance for the Divino with Nutini who after 5 ‘gets free to shoot and hits the post. The Tobacconist Corner unlocks it with Mantovani who is ready in the area on the assist served by Sisti. At half-time, history repeats itself: Cicerale’s great shot for the Divine, Bigoni replies by deflecting again on the post; on the overthrow in front of Mantovani again makes 2-0 with a shot from distance from a tight angle. In the second half at 10 ‘personal action by Giammetta who frees himself with a tunnel from a defender and bags presented face to face with the goalkeeper, 3-0. The Tabaccheria Corner relaxes and drops in the second half of the time, Moraru takes advantage of it and reopens it with a double-shot of fine workmanship, 2-3. With 2 ‘from the end, however, Giammetta closes it again, completing his personal double by fixing the result on the final 4-2. A super Turra drags I Girasoli into the success, 7-2, over Team Assacro, in all there are 4 goals for him, the last goal is fantastic with a right punch under the legs of the goalkeeper from a tight angle after having freed himself with a veronica . Bocchimpani, Rezaeyan and Lella scored the other goals for I Girasoli, while Team Assacro scored by De Gruttola and Orsi.

In Group B the Caleffi Group wins again, defeating the other leaders, AM Auto, and in fact acquires the pass for Serie A. After a first half closed goalless, in which there is an opportunity wasted by Zabini for the Caleffi Group and from Campani for AM Auto, Caleffi passes with a left to cross Zabini’s own, Pizzirani replies masterfully put in goal by the pivot Rizzioli, 1-1. Caleffi, however, has more arrows in his bow and goes to 3-1 and ends 6-2 with a hat-trick from Zabini and goals from Esposito, the new entry Cicotti and Baroni, for AM Auto Rizzioli himself had scored the goal of the partial 2-3.

In Group C Hincu is in the evening of grace and packs a poker in the first 10 minutes that directs the race in favor of Bar Nives on the Desperados. First fraction that ends at 7-2, 16-9 the final: in all there are 8 goals from Hincu, 3 from Kupsi, 2 from Alushi and Mocanu, in the second half the Desperados articulate numerous excellent maneuvers and score 7 goals at the end of actions all of the first and that systematically unmark a man at the far post: Campi makes a hat-trick, braces for Balboni and Pavani. The 100 Montaditos that scrambles the Bindery rises to 3rd place, 8-1: after a sensational pole caught by Sammartano, the 100 Montaditos scores 3 goals in 5 minutes before the interval, 2 of which with the wild Spettoli. At the end of the time, Lohamn’s beautiful serpentine shot, however, breaks on the post. At the beginning of the second half, Lohman again proves to be the most on the ball by signing the 1 to 3 goal, but it is a flash in the pan, Scanavacca, Rubbi, again Spettoli, Sammartano and the goalkeeper Bigoni bury the Bindery.

In Group D incredible comeback of Aqua and Salute against the Amici di Gigi with a lot of overtaking in the standings in first place. We come to the news. The Amici di Gigi got off to a strong start, leading to 2-0 in the first 10 minutes and at 15 ‘they were already at 3-0 with a shot from mid-range and with two corner shots. The reaction of Aqua and Salute takes shape 2 ‘from the end of the first half with a good choral action ended with a right in the corner of Achabe. In the second half Acqua e Salute restarts as he had finished and first shortens the distance with Farinella well served in the area, whose shot is not held back by the goalkeeper Ghesini, and then finds equal with a surgical left from Shammout. The inertia is all for Aqua and Salute which in fact completes the work with the overtaking net on a free kick from Guirrini, 4-3 at minute 15. Aqua e Salute strenuously resist the furious return of the Amici di Gigi, great merit to Tartarini goalkeeper who makes numerous beautiful saves that put in the safe a success that 90% is worth the access to Serie A for Aqua and Salute. Surprise Este Bar Futsal, the boys of Mr. Culmone tripped the Francolino and surpass him in the standings settling in 3rd place. Advantage Este Bar with Greco, to which Serafini replies after a few minutes. A fireball at the Malagutti intersection brings the Francolino forward before the interval, Malagutti himself sees a free throw rejected at the end of the fraction. The second half opens with a free kick won and masterfully kicked by Ammirati for the 2-2. Francolino back from 3-3 with Aqua and Salute desperately wants the 3 points and enters the typical formation, but the tips have wet powders and Mainardi is in the evening and saves them all. It so happens that it is the Este Bar that passes again with a free kick from Ammirati. The reaction of Francolino is furious, but does not produce the desired effect, indeed, from the development of a corner from the right, Greco still serves Ammirati who with a fine heel touch puts the ball in the lower corner to the right of the goalkeeper, 4- 2. For the Francolino it is late at night and the Este Bar manages the advantage in the 4 minutes missing from the triple whistle. The absence of Schiavina, the only central defender of the role in the Francolino squad, is very heavy, good at defending and restarting the game allowing Bianchi, Bertoncelli and Malagutti to affect as cursors. The race for Serie A is going uphill for Francolino, the last round match against the Friends of Gigi will be decisive, provided that the Este Bar does not make the third wheel. We will see some good ones. First win of the season for Koi Sushi which wets the debut of the sponsor and the new jerseys with 3 points against Scortichino. Guidetti and Baraldi lead the Koi Sushi on 2-0; at 5 ‘from the interval, a good play by Mucerino who unmasks Zanella for the 1 to 2 goal. In the immediate 3-1 recovery of Koi Sushi with Vignali who is ready on the short rejected by the goalkeeper; 2-3 Skinning just with Mucerino able to wriggle between the defenders and turn left-handed in the low corner. Still Baraldi, however, realizes the 4-2 of Koi Sushi on the development of a corner kick with a right to the edge of the post and 5-2 final of Greco with a torpedo from distance that closes the accounts.

In Single roundinstead, the 4th round took place and the leaders Ristorantino Sidun maintains a full score even overcoming the obstacle Pizzeria Giò. After the initial 3-0 Sidun signed by Basile-Crocco-Palma, Pizzeria Giò begins the chase and moves to 2-3, then to 3-4, then to 6-7 before finally yielding 6-8. For Sidun at the end Basile’s hat-trick and double for Crocco and Palma, while for Pizzeria Giò Venturoli’s hat-trick and Alberti’s double. The Porta Romana Futsal wins the derby with the Porta Romana Bakery. The match is never in question: after 10 ‘already 4-0 Futsal with two torpedoes on a free kick from Caselli and Malagutti and two spells from Capatti. One-way first half with the advantage that could be even greater given the 3 woods hit, 9-0 at rest and second half that runs along the lines of the first with Futsal totally in control, ends 13-0 and there are 6 goals in all for Capatti. Porta Romana Futsal which connects the Sidun to the top. In the other cartel challenge, Siever and Asini Bradi faced each other with 6 points. Fortunate advantage Siever with Beltrami who misses a throw and surprises the goalkeeper under the intersection; the Donkeys make themselves preferred and force Siever into their own half, but on a reversal in front of them comes the 2-0 with a hole from Bellotti for Tonelli with the latter mocking the goalkeeper coming out under the legs. The Donkeys halve the disadvantage with 7 ‘from the end with a precision shot by Oghittu, but on the next action comes Bellotti’s 3-1 with a diagonal from the right that kisses the post before settling at the bottom of the net. It’s not over, before the break Tonelli still scores 4-1 with a nice shot from distance. In the second half immediately one goal on each side, first Tonelli completes his personal hat-trick, then Sabir’s 2-5 on a second-rate free kick. Beltarmi and Bellotti are still thinking about signing the paws that keep the Donkeys’ dreams of comeback at bay, scoring the 6-2 and 7-2 respectively. Closing again Sabir for the final 3-7. In 2nd place only Siever remains because Kafè Bacchelli is surprisingly defeated by the former rear side Despa City super-reinforced for the occasion by the grafts of Bono, hat-trick for him, Tecame and Finessi, a brace each in 9 -5 final, 5-2 at the interval. Kafè Bacchelli is hooked to 4th place by Virtus, 6-2 at Spartak with two goals from Franchini and Janigro, and from Oasi del Reno, 8-2 at Pkm with pokerissimo by Finotti, special mention for Travagli, for the occasion goalkeeper who also saves a penalty.



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