Rico Verhoeven’s 10-year-old daughter breaks her back

Jacky apparently gets a lot of questions about her daughter’s broken back. On Instagram she lets you know how the accident happened and how Mikayla is doing now. ‘She fell from a climbing frame at school’, Jacky says about the terrible event. “The first 48 hours were terrible for the two of us, but especially for her. I could only watch helplessly.’

Jacky admires her strong daughter: a week and a half after the accident, Mikayla has already spent half a day at school. She also thanks her friend Tim. Jacky concludes her message with ‘Thank you, dear Tim, for coming with her because I wasn’t there yet’.

Rico tells RTL Boulevard that he had just set foot on American soil when he heard the news. The kickboxing world champion immediately took the plane from Los Angeles to the Netherlands to be with his daughter and to take care of her.

Just before his matches, Rico has a set ritual that has everything to do with his three children. Before his last fight, he says that he always calls his children to seek support from them.


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