Super hot blood. Youthful enough! The 2021 MLB CUP Youth Baseball Open is waiting for you! _Xi’an

Original title: Super hot blood. Youthful enough! The 2021 MLB CUP Youth Baseball Open is waiting for you!

In order to enable children to achieve physical fitness, temper their will, enhance team awareness, and decision-making awareness through baseball. In September, the “Baseball Public Welfare Class” jointly organized by Huashang Daily and Major League Baseball (MLB) has been held in more than 20 schools in Xi’an, and is deeply loved by teachers and students. The MLB CUP autumn game in Xi’an is about to start, and all school baseball teams are now cordially invited to participate in the game.

2021 MLB CUP Youth Baseball Open·Fall (Xi’an Station), tentatively scheduled to be November 27-28exist Xi’an Jingkai No.1 Middle SchoolHeld. This competition was guided by MLB Major League Baseball, co-sponsored by Huashang Newspaper and Hengle Baseball Club, co-organized by Xi’an Baseball and Softball Association and Xi’an Jingkai No. 1 Middle School, sponsored by Tiandiyuan Real Estate.

Baseball for Asian children: safe, fun, and cooperative combat

Beginning on September 16, the baseball charity class entering campus activities jointly sponsored by China Business Daily and MLB kicked off. The Primary School Affiliated to Shaanxi Normal University, the Eighth Junior High School of Xi’an Gaoxin, Xi’an Xingguang Experimental School, Qujiang No.1 Primary School, More than 20 schools including Dayan Pagoda Shiqiao Huazhou City Branch School participated. “Amazing!” “Impossible!” In a foreign teacher’s class, the students felt the charm of baseball, the sport, and cheered and jumped for joy.

“I didn’t expect the baseball class to be so interesting. If the school opens this club in the future, I will definitely participate.” A classmate said in the public welfare class of Gaoxin No. 8 Junior High School.

Baseball Junior

Nowadays, many people still think that “baseball is a niche sport” and that it is not suitable for the physical condition of Asians. In fact, in terms of physical fitness and game experience, Asians have a certain gap, but when it comes to fine skills and tactics, Asians have a considerable advantage. Although this sport started late in Asia, it has improved greatly after 2000. The national baseball team is considered to be second only to the traditional Asian top three (Japan, South Korea, Chinese Taipei). Mr. Li Xiaoduo, secretary-general of the Xi’an Baseball and Softball Association, also added: “This sport is highly suitable for campus promotion. It will set up different baseballs for students of different ages. The lower grades will have larger baseballs during training. It’s softer and very safe.”

In the public welfare class, we found that baseball is a sport with very strong gameplay and not violent confrontation. People who have been in contact with it will be deeply attracted by its endless charm. I happily said: “I will never forget this lesson in my life. Baseball is so interesting. It requires the active cooperation of all the students in the group. When you run the lap, you need to do your best.”

2021 MLB CUP Youth Baseball Open·Fall

Recruiting at Xi’an Station

The MLB Youth Baseball Development Program has been in operation for more than 10 years, and has reached nearly 1.3 million students across the country. More than 80 well-known universities across the country have established baseball clubs and organized city leagues. This time, the China Business News and MLB are now launching the City League Xi’an Division, as the first league to see a lot:

First, the competition will set up team awards (one champion, second runner-up and third runner-up in each category), individual awards (MINI gold gloves, best runners, MINI silver sticks, best pitchers, MVPs, best coaches), School Awards (Campus Baseball Team Guidance Awards. Officially certified medal by MLB.

Second, the champion team will have the opportunity to represent Xi’an in the 2021 MLB CUP Youth Baseball Open·Autumn Finals. Only the U10 champion team in this tournament can qualify for the national tournament.

Third, the exciting game is complemented by a wealth of activities. In this league, the China Business Daily has joined forces with other parties to not only ensure a high-level game, but also set up a live game session to allow students who do not understand baseball to watch the game while watching the game. You can experience the fun of baseball yourself.

Wen Wangyuan

Editor | Zhu Yuting

Audit|Du JuanReturn to Sohu to see more


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