Tennis: WTA threatens China to withdraw

“We are definitely ready to end our activities, with all the consequences that entails,” assured WTA boss Steve Simon on Thursday. The allegations in relation to Peng are “bigger than business,” said the head of the WTA in an interview with CNN. “Women must be respected and not censored,” demanded Simon.

China is now an important location, especially for women’s tennis. In 2018, the season-end tournament for the eight best players of the year from 2019 to 2028 was awarded to the Chinese city of Shenzhen, and the prize money doubled from seven million US dollars to 14 million. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, however, it was not possible to play in China in the past two years.

Alleged mail from Peng increases worries

In early November, Peng published allegations of sexual assault by a top Chinese politician on the Weibo social network. Since then, the 35-year-old has not been seen in public and is considered to have disappeared. China’s censorship is canceling any debate on the case. Searches for your name or for “#MeToo” are blocked on the Chinese Internet.

Worry about bang

There is concern in the tennis world about the fate of the Chinese player Peng Shuai. She had made serious allegations of abuse against a former top politician, now she has disappeared.

An alleged email from Peng has raised serious doubts at the WTA and increased concerns. China’s state foreign television station CGTN published an email on Thursday night on Twitter that the tennis star himself wrote and is said to have sent to WTA boss Simon.

The reports about her, “including allegations of sexual assault,” were “not true,” it said. “I just recovered a little at home and everything is fine,” Peng said in the message. “I find it hard to believe that Peng Shuai actually wrote this email that we received,” said WTA boss Simon. The WTA and the rest of the world needed “independent and verifiable evidence” that the player was safe. Chinese government agencies are silent on the case.

Williams: “Devastated and Shocked”

US tennis star Serena Williams has also joined the global appeals to clarify the disappearance of the Chinese Peng. “I was devastated and shocked when I heard the news about Peng Shuai. I hope it is safe and found as soon as possible. This needs to be investigated and we must not be silent. I send love to her and her family in this incredibly difficult time, ”tweeted the 23-time Grand Slam winner.

The former German player Julia Görges also joined the demands for clarification under the hashtag “#whereisPengShuai”. “I am deeply concerned about the ongoing situation with Peng Shuai. We live in a world in which victims should not be silenced and I stand by the statement with the entire tennis community that we want answers! ”Tweeted Görges.


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