The Institute of Biology Holds “Strengthen Your Body, Take Your Feather” Fun Badminton Tournament_Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

The Institute of Biology holds a fun badminton competition of “Strengthen your body and your feathers”

Article Source:Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Author: Zhan Yuhua

release time:2021-11-10

In order to enrich the spare-time cultural life of employees and promote the in-depth development of fitness activities, on November 5th, the Institute of Biotechnology of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences held the 2021 fun badminton competition of “Building Your Body and Badminton”.


The competition set up three events: pan doubles, badminton basket and badminton toball. The leaders took the lead in participating. Nearly 50 employees from various scientific and technological innovation teams and functional departments participated in the competition.

As the backing unit of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Badminton Club, the Institute of Biology has successfully held a number of events such as the “Academy Badminton Club Welcome National Day Friendship”, “Academic Badminton Club Invitational Tournament” and other events. The opportunity to play basketball has improved the badminton level of the whole hospital and enriched the amateur cultural and sports life of employees. In the next step, the courtyard badminton club will respond to the national fitness plan, promote the spirit of badminton, and carry out more mass badminton activities. (Correspondent: Cui Yan)


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