Agüero spoke for the first time about his arrhythmia: what he said

Kun, who has not played since October 30, appeared on the stream and spoke briefly about his situation while undergoing treatment to see if he can play again.

On October 30, Sergio Aguero felt a pain in the chest during the match between Barcelona and Alaves by The Spanish League. The first studies showed that suffer from an arrhythmia and began a three-month treatment to determine if he can keep playing soccer or will have to retire early.

In recent weeks, the rumor from Spain that Kun would hold a press conference in which he would announce that he was hanging up the boots. Although they did not deny it from their surroundings, the conference, at least for now, did not happen. This Thursday, the forward of the The Argentine Selection spoke for the first time on the subject, briefly, and thanked the demonstrations of support.

“I’m not going to talk much about my topic. You know I’m fine and I wanted to say thank you all very much for the support you gave me on social networks, everywhere. Many people wrote to me, so I wanted to say thank you. No I’m going to talk a lot about this topic, I’m just going to enjoy Krü’s game (his eSports team) and nothing more than that. Thanks for banking me “Agüero expressed in stream.

VIDEO: Sergio Agüero spoke about his arrhythmia


VIDEO: Sergio Agüero spoke about his arrhythmia


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