all called on the field – Giornale Nisseno

After the splendid start of the 2021-2022 sports season with the Restart Pigiessiadi, the sports and training activities of the Salesian Youth Sports Clubs of Sicily, and of the seven territorial committees, are proceeding at a rapid pace.

The regional committee has set in motion the training machine for the 2021-2022 season, during which courses are planned for coaches, referees and managers. On November 28, 2021, the Training Commission met at the regional level with the aim of planning technical training activities, in particular the first-level coaching course, for 5-a-side football, volleyball, basketball and judo sport. The course for coaches aims at acquiring basic skills. The program includes a methodological, a technical and a cultural-associative part.

In the training field, the course for Covid Manager, held by dr. Gaetano Iachelli, regional president of the Italian Sports Medicine Federation.

Sport has returned to being the protagonist together with athletes of all age groups, who have taken the field to return to play, have fun and be together. The PGSFest, the inaugural event of the sports season, were celebrated throughout the Sicilian territory: Canicattì (7/11), Palermo (14/11), San Giovanni La Punta (14-11), Marsala (21/11), Catania (20-21 / 11) and Ragusa (04/12). The opening sporting parties concerned the various sports disciplines scattered throughout the Sicilian territory, in particular: 5-a-side football, volleyball and basketball. Games, competitions, fun and fun were the main ingredients of the opening parties. The presence of families, who saw their children as protagonists on the fields, in an atmosphere of rediscovered passion for sport, was beautiful and significant.

The sporting season of PGS Sicilia has only warmed up the engines, now it is the turn of provincial championships and tournaments, which will involve athletes of all ages for different sports activities.


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