Arturo Reyes was happy for Junior’s performance against Cali

Although the result was not the best for Junior, since he drew 2-2 against Deportivo Cali at home, coach Arturo Reyes was happy for the performance of your team.

“We have been improving. The only concern is to recover the group, to continue doing what we have been doing well and to be able to maintain the results. This is a team that, except for the local game that we tied against Quindío, has scored a goal in all the games we have directed. Because of how we work the games, with a 1-0 it should be enough to win, that is a true balance, score one more goal than the rival and not be scored. We are motivated and aware that we are on the right track, that this team will continue to raise its level and we will try from the next game to win the three points and that this stadium provides us with today’s support against Pereira ”, said the Samarium.

“We are going to try to recover the group, because the game is very close. There are things that we have to improve, the movements in attack, knowing how to attack the zones when we win the wings, which is an issue that we must continue working on. Junior has been improving, but I want to emphasize that this game may be among the best that Junior has done since Arturo Reyes is here. It seems to me that the message was given by the team from the beginning of the game and that he returned to the field with the energy sent by the junior fan gave a lot of security to the group and clearly the team is different when we have a framework like today ” he added.

The strategist also spoke of the variations he made in the commitment.

“Marlon (Piedrahíta) is a player who offensively offers us other possibilities. Gabriel (Fuentes) with the yellow one, we thought that Freddy (Hinestroza) could do that job. The theme of (Dany) Rosero is given more by the goal and we made the decision to disarm the three defenders. They say we didn’t have as many goal options, but we had 18 shots and 8 were on target. I think the team has been improving and we hope the next game will be able to add three ”, said the helmsman.

“The idea when we entered the dressing room was to seek to have a central attacker who could receive the crosses that we had with the lanes, because (Edwuin) Cetré tends to go to the sides sometimes because that is his position that he has made his entire career. But we also talked with him to try to stay inside for as long as possible so that (Fabián) Sambueza and (Luis) ‘Cariaco’ behind him could generate more play for the lanes. At the moment that we were thinking about the changes and we were going to make them, the goal of Cali was scored and we made the decision to take out a defender and look for a man higher up ”, he added.



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