Basketball – basketball: Bayern bring Rivers back

Munich (SID) – Bayern Munich has reacted to the failure of its top scorer Darrun Hilliard and brought shooting guard KC Rivers back into the basketball Bundesliga. The 34-year-old American comes from Zenit St. Petersburg to Munich, where he played in 2015/16. Hilliard has been absent from the EuroLeague team for weeks due to a knee injury.

“KC is a familiar face, he lets us compensate for this loss thanks to his high-level career,” said sporting director Daniele Baiesi: “He will fit into a cabin that he already knows. We are very happy to see him back in Munich This gives Darrun the time to completely cure his knee problems. “

Rivers will not be in the top Bundesliga match on Sunday at Meister Alba Berlin (6 p.m. / MagentaSport). He should only train with the team for the first time on Monday. “I’m here to make a difference and to help the team continue on the right track. I’m supposed to be a leader, a voice. It will all come with time, although it won’t take much time,” said Rivers.


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