Consultation committee: “Sports inside is still possible, the public at football is allowed” other news

It was a resolute Prime Minister Alexander De Croo who once again emphasized the seriousness of the situation. The pressure on the healthcare sector is dramatically great, the pain threshold has been exceeded for many people, said De Croo. The Consultation Committee therefore took several measures.

The governments of this country want to avoid large groups of people meeting each other. That is why the indoor activities are shut down. The exception to that rule is sports. Prime Minister De Croo: “Indoor sports are allowed. Sport is important for social well-being. That has become apparent during this corona period.”

For indoor events, there will be a maximum of 4,000 attendees this weekend, and a maximum of 200 spectators from Monday. From 50 people, a Covid Safe Ticket (CST) and mouth mask remain mandatory, everyone must also sit. Sports can continue indoors, but without an audience. Minor participants may be accompanied by 2 adults.

The GEMS expertise group advised to outdoor professional sports not to admit an audience, but that was not stopped. public is allowed so keep coming, but crowd management is important there, according to the prime minister.

It is important to know that the mouth mask obligation will be reduced until the age of 6, where a mouth mask is mandatory.

The Prime Minister also emphasized that our behavior should be careful, that we should limit our contacts and where there is contact that we take the well-known measures (mouth mask, keep distance and disinfect).


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