‘El Pibe’ Valderrama said that Junior burned Arturo Reyes

The departure of Arturo Reyes from Junior’s technical direction surprised locals and strangers. And more because the same helmsman had stated that he had “100%” the support of Fuad Char.

However, the club withdrew him from his position and has already made the Argentine Juan Cruz Real official as his replacement for 2022.

The one who showed his dissatisfaction with this determination made by the Currambera institution was the historical former player Carlos Alberto Valderrama, who believes that the samarium “gave results.”

“Juan Cruz is coming. When the technicians come, you have to let them work, and afterwards you draw conclusions. What I am saying is that what they did with Arturo Reyes seemed unfair to me, “said the former soccer player in an interview with journalist Emel Alvear.

“When he got to Junior, the team was 16, eliminated, not close and he entered well, missing two dates for the octagonal. If he did not beat any great, then why did he enter? I think that you as a player or coach are supported by the results, and their results were very good in two months, “he added.

Although he had already given his reasons, ‘el Pibe’ continued to show his dissatisfaction with this decision of the club’s board of directors and assured that the strategist “was burned.”

“He found a team that is not his and put it in at eight. We were waiting for them to give him the opportunity to put together his squad, because he has already shown that he is a good coach, not only in Junior, but in the Colombia team, ”said the three-time World Cup player with the Colombia team.

“He is burned, because where is he heading now. He left the national team to come to Junior and now nothing. I want to know the reason why he was removed from the team, because it is not due to results. He took it from 16 and ranked it fourth. Arturo Reyes showed that he is a good coach, the problem is the way they took him out, because it gave results ”, he concluded.



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