Fabian is the metronome of Napoli: one fact demonstrates the importance of the Spaniard

Napoli is facing a complex period, not only from the point of view of fluctuating results, but also for the many injuries; one figure shows, however, how much the absence of Fabian Ruiz, the Spanish midfielder, weighs

An evident physical and mental decline, combined with a heightened dose of bad luck, Spalletti’s Napoli has produced fluctuating performances in the last league games. The defeat against Spezia was a cold shower for the Azzurri, who are now forced to chase Milan after having conquered the San Siro. A decline, however, also characterized by the many injuries of their players, in particular that of Fabian Ruiz.

The absence of the Spaniard, in fact, seems to weigh like a stone; the midfield of the Neapolitans does not seem to turn beautifully and the ideas appear scarce in a few moments of the matches. A figure reported by choose demonstrates, in fact, the relevance of the player, especially for his extraordinary qualities ball and chain. Fabian has the highest average of successful passes in the opponent’s half per game, about 41. An impressive statistic, which highlights the peculiarities of the player and his importance in the game of Napoli.


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