Hernán Torres talks about the final Cali vs Tolima 2021 | Tolima coach last minute statements | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

This Sunday Deportes Tolima plays the first 90 minutes of its second BetPlay League final in 2021. In the first semester it was crowned champion by beating Millonarios; now he hopes to beat Deportivo Cali to win the two-time championship.

The posh team is excited, although they know that they will have a very difficult rival in front. Thus, coach Hernán Torres asserted that his team is hungry for sports and will fight, intelligently, to become champion and seal an unforgettable 2021.

“The team has had hierarchy, we have had difficult moments and we recover due to that hunger for victory. In all the campaign it has not been rosy, we have had downturns, soccer circumstances, and we have taken it forward. This is a mature team in many respects. The beauty of the finals is to see the stadiums full, that we live it in peace, it is not justified to lose our lives for a football match, ”Torres commented.

The Tolima strategist spoke of the wear and tear of his players, who had less rest time than the sugar athletes: “It would be illogical to tell you that it will not affect us, but that is how the tournament is scheduled, there is no time to recover, we have 21 qualified players. We have had many variations due to injuries, you know that I hardly change. We have to wait to see who can be there, all the games are intense, not only in Tolima, all of us who were in home runs. You have to fight against everything ”.



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