Illustration of the correct force of the badminton racket, how to correctly force the badminton high ball? -I want Ruanwen

Illustration of the correct force of the badminton racket, how to correctly force the badminton high ball?

Illustration of the correct force of the badminton racket, how to correctly force the badminton high ball?

Illustration of the correct force of the badminton racket, how to correctly force the badminton high ball?

Hello everyoneBadminton racketcorrectMake an effort to illustrate, I am Xiao Hua.High ball is an introductory technique for badminton, but it is necessary to hit high ball with high accuracy and precision, and it is also a knowledge. Today Xiao Hua will teach everyone how to use high ball.

Illustration of the correct force of the badminton racket, how to correctly force the badminton high ball?

First of all, the action of shooting is still very important, prepare for shooting with bow

Before applying force, it is driven by the upward rotation of the elbow joint.

At this time, the wrist joint is tilted back, and the head is naturally relaxed.

At the same time, you can see if there is a forward right movement on the bottom of the racket. This movement is very similar to the technique of using force in front of the net that I have taught you. This movement is a preparatory movement before the force. It can help you hit the ball. In an instant, there is the strongest instantaneous force.

The process of pushing the racket face from back to front and up while hitting the ball, the forearm rotates and accelerates.

We re-emphasize the key to the force action: while the elbow joint is rotated upwards, the wrist joint is tilted back, and the racket head naturally pushes the arm from the back to the upper side to accelerate the internal rotation, and finish the action after the left thigh is closed.

The correct way to hold a badminton racket isHow about itof

(1) Forehand grip
The correct way to hold the racket is to first hold the racket shaft with the left hand so that the racket face is perpendicular to the ground, and then open the right hand so that the lower part of the palm (small fish) is against the bottom of the racket grip, and the mouth of the racket faces the narrow handle of the racket. On one side, the little finger, ring finger, and middle finger are naturally brought together, and the index finger is slightly separated from the middle finger, naturally bent and attached to the racket handle.

Before hitting the ball, the grip must be relaxed and natural. Hold the racket tightly at the moment of hitting.
(2) Backhand grip
Generally speaking, there are two kinds of backhand grips: one is based on the forehand grip, the racket frame is turned outwards, the thumb is straightened and attached to the wide surface of the handle, the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger are brought together.
The other is to hold the racket with the forehand and turn the racket frame outward, with the thumb attached to the edge of the racket handle, and the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger close together. When holding a racket with a backhand, there should be a gap between the palm of the hand and the handle, so that the grip is conducive to the flexible use of wrist strength and finger strength.
After understanding the above correct grip methods, you should compare your previous habitual grip methods. If the following wrong grip methods occur, they should be corrected as soon as possible: fist grip, that is, a grasp; the index finger is stretched and pressed on the upper part of the handle; The mouth of the tiger is attached to the wide side of the handle; the end of the handle is too long.

The correct grip is easy to learn, but it takes a certain amount of effort to master it in practice. Because when the basics of hitting the ball are not grasped, the grip is often easy to get out of shape, so that the action returns to the original wrong habit. Therefore, when practicing batting, you should always remind yourself to check whether the grip is correct. After a period of time, the correct grip habit will be formed.

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