In Chad, a basketball camp to instill civic values ​​in youth


Good news for young basketball players in Chad. DiaspoBasketChad in collaboration with Sahel Basketball and the Chadian Basketball Federation (CBF) are organizing, from December 18 to 23, an elite basketball camp to promote education and instill civic values ​​in Chadian youth.

In collaboration with the association DiaspoBasketChad, Sahel Basketball and the Chadian Federation will organize a session which aims to offer international visibility to young qualified basketball players and give them educational opportunities. But also empower and inspire young girls through basketball by strengthening their self-confidence, educating young boys to respect women and to value their contribution to society.

“We unleash the potential of young players by developing academic and basketball skills, innovate Chadian basketball and produce the best players competing in the highest leagues in the world,” explains Charles Ndouloum, member of the DiaspoBasketChad association.

A fund to support the association

DiaspoBasketChad is an association whose goal goes beyond sporting values. It aims to instill good citizenship, democratic values ​​and help the development of future leaders.. Through her actions, she creates an environment conducive to the development of young Chadian athletes, through excellence in education and sport while supporting credible local basketball academies in order to improve the skills of young Chadian basketball players. by providing them with equipment.

To carry out his actions, the Toulousain Charles Ndouloum recently launched a pot to help the association raise funds to support young Chadians. The kitty launched, almost a month ago, has already raised nearly 2,700 euros, notes the association.


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