LeBron’s ex-teammate trashes Kanter Freedom!

With anti-LeBron shoes and multiple reviews on TV sets, Enes Kanter Freedom doesn’t let go of the Laker with a sole. The problem ? In front of him, the pivot disappears. Here’s something a former King’s teammate doesn’t like.

The Lakers vs. the Celtics? For fans, it’s always a special game in the NBA. But this Tuesday evening, this meeting had a special flavor, especially after the behavior of Enes Freedom towards LeBron James. With his shoes a few weeks ago, the pivot had set the tone, to the point where an explanation was expected in public.

Problem ? Nothing happened. However, Kanter multiplies the interventions against the King, even wishing to educate him on certain subjects. Perhaps he wants to do it by phone or Skype, since Celtic prefer to avoid contact when they meet the Laker on the floors. We also had the demonstration once again this Tuesday evening (review the sequence here).

The attitude of Enes Kanter does not pass for some

Worse ? The former Blazers player smiles and has a good time after words from LeBron. It makes you wonder if we are talking about the same person. Kendrick Perkins is also quite in agreement, since the former teammate of the native of Akron returned to the sequence, and he did not like the behavior of Enes.

Where I come from we call it “swinging stones then hiding your hand”. Enes’ attitude changes as soon as he crosses paths with LeBron. Let’s move on now …

The fight that Kanter leads is obviously very important, and there is no question of questioning that. However, given the seriousness of some topics, it’s best to settle this in person, rather than with a simple tweet. Yet he put it back, this time against a former leader.

Clearly, Celtic would rather make the headlines with their Twitter posts, rather than want to discuss them in person. A questionable attitude, especially given the stakes. However, this soap opera is still far from over.

Enes Kanter wants to do well, but the way is largely questionable. As soon as he crosses paths with LeBron James, his attitude is a far cry from the vigilante he claims to be on Twitter or on Fox News. For real progress, we will come back.


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