Master Li Hongzhi sends congratulatory message at the Fa Conference of Six Thousand Falun Gong Practitioners in Taiwan | Fa Conference in Taiwan | Falun Dafa | Practice

[EpochTimesDecember192021](Reported by The Epoch Times Taipei Reporter Station) On December 19, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan gathered at the Taipei Heping Basketball Hall to hold the 2021 Falun Dafa Practice Experience Exchange Conference in Taiwan (abbreviation) Taiwan Fa Conference), Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi sent a congratulatory message.

The venue of the Taiwan Fa Conference is sacred and solemn, with a statue of Master Li Hongzhi and a “figure of Falun” hung in front of it. “Compassion can dissolve the world and spring righteous thoughts can save the people of the world”-the poem couplet on both sides of the rostrum, from the book “Hong Yin II” by Master Li Hongzhi.

The Fa conference started at 9 am, and the two hosts read the congratulatory message from Master Li Hongzhi.

Afterwards, 20 speakers successively shared their experience of practicing under the guidance of the principle of “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance” in life and clarifying the truth to the world.

On December 19, 2021, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan attended the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan held at the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium. Before the meeting, Falun Gong practitioners paid tribute to the founder of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Hongzhi, and said, “Wish Master a Happy New Year!”. (Chen Baizhou/The Epoch Times)
On December 19, 2021, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan attended the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan held at the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium. The picture shows the host reading the congratulatory message sent by the founder Mr. Li Hongzhi. (Chen Baizhou/The Epoch Times)

Mainland spouse: our whole family practice

Mainland spouse Ms. Li said that her parents loved her since she was a child. People often said that her father would not marry her casually, but she was married to a husband who had nothing to do in Taiwan. In 2012, her husband accidentally clicked on the Dafa website and was attracted by the words “free teaching and compulsory teaching”. Later, both of them obtained the law. After obtaining the Fa, they took their two daughters to participate in activities, and the whole family embarked on the road of cultivation.

Before obtaining the Fa, she suffered from hepatitis B and gynecology, and also had problems with her vocal cords. After obtaining the Fa for a month, after practicing the exercises, I suddenly realized that I could speak. His husband used to drink, eat betel nuts, smoke, and gamble, and his temper was very grumpy. Soon after I obtained the Fa, I stopped drinking, and my neighbors were amazed. The eldest daughter was very bloated right after she was born, and the health insurance manual was covered with seals. After practicing, the health insurance card is almost useless. The youngest daughter had atopic dermatitis, which improved soon after training.

On December 19, 2021, the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan was held at the Taipei Heping Basketball Stadium. The picture shows Falun Gong practitioners sharing their practice experience. (Chen Baizhou/The Epoch Times)
On December 19, 2021, the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan was held at the Taipei Heping Basketball Stadium. The picture shows Falun Gong practitioners sharing their practice experience. (Xu Jidong / Epoch Times)

Live broadcast of incidents in Hong Kong’s counter-transmission

The incidents in Hong Kong’s return in 2019 have attracted worldwide attention. Mr. Zeng shared that the Hong Kong Epoch Times reporters are reporting on the front line, and they are in Taiwan, and they also hope to present the first-hand report to the public. At that time, I did live broadcasts of Hong Kong news almost every day for more than a year. On the weekends, there were more than ten hours of live broadcasts. I had almost no holidays to fight with Hong Kong reporters, but I didn’t feel tired.

“Because of that tiredness, it has long been replaced by people’s moving to understand the truth after reading the report,” he said. “Seeing the feedback from the people on the spot and on the Internet, all the pain is worth it.” The great change in Hong Kong has brought the Epoch Times. The media group exerted influence in this process.

Mr. Zeng said that in recent years, newspapers have successively arranged colleagues to visit and learn from the New York headquarters. He was looking forward to it, but the staff was not included in the two arrangements, and his loss of heart also affected his enthusiasm for work. He gradually let go of his injustice, and actively invested in newspaper projects. After a while, he received a notice that he was required to go to the US headquarters. He realizes that letting go of fame and fortune, prepares the necessary skills, and can meet new challenges.

On December 19, 2021, the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan was held at the Taipei Heping Basketball Stadium. The picture shows Falun Gong practitioners sharing their practice experience. (Xu Jidong / Epoch Times)
On December 19, 2021, the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan was held at the Taipei Heping Basketball Stadium. The picture shows Falun Gong practitioners sharing their practice experience. (Xu Jidong / Epoch Times)

Falun Dafa unlocks wisdom

“Fourteen years of practicing Dafa, for me, this is a miracle and even a miracle.” Ms. Huang was originally in poor health. She ran around major hospitals, large temples and small temples. My life has come to an end, and I often confess my last words to my son. One day I accidentally caught sight of the CD “Rebirth” given to her by my cousin when she introduced Falun Gong to her. The disc was put on hold by her for a year and a half. After watching the CD, she and her husband went on the path of cultivation together, and her life was reborn in Dafa.

Not long after obtaining the Fa, she had conflicts with her mother-in-law and husband. She felt aggrieved and cried very sad. When she was studying the Fa, she discovered that a few lines of words were beating. She thought that she was dazzled. The beating lines are a paragraph of Fa in the book Zhuan Falun by Master Li Hongzhi. Ms. Huang understood from the law, this is to let her let go of her resentment towards her mother-in-law! At that time, she wanted to memorize these few practices, and completed the first time of “Zhuan Falun” in half a year.

She spent more than three months memorizing the Fa without reading. When the whole book of Zhuan Falun was memorized, she dreamed that firecrackers would be fired that night. She realizes that she has the Fa and “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance” in her heart, and can quickly realize and correct herself when encountering problems. In order to clarify the truth to the Chinese people, she learned from mobile phone blindness and computer blindness, to the busyness of mobile phones and computers. She was timid and unconfident, Dafa opened up her wisdom, and she was more courageous to take on all kinds of tests.

On December 19, 2021, the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan was held at the Taipei Heping Basketball Stadium. The picture shows Falun Gong practitioners sharing their practice experience. (Xu Jidong / Epoch Times)

Melted in Dafa and matured in NTD media

“Why do I exist?” Ms. Xu has been thinking about this problem since childhood. In 1999, she was studying at the Institute of Philosophy at National Taiwan University. In an intercollegiate academic reading club, she learned that the CCP was persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Later, someone gave her mother a copy of Zhuan Falun because of her poor health. reason. Ms. Xu embarked on the path of cultivation in 2001 through this “Zhuan Falun”.

In 2003, Ms. Xu joined the NTD News Department to participate in journalism, often staying up late to work. She was in a doctoral class at the time and felt unable to take care of her studies and journalism, so in 2007 she went to Germany to study for a PhD. After returning to Taiwan from Germany, she worked in Taiwan’s NTD News Department and was responsible for all Asia-Pacific news. She realized that no matter how much work she did or how much pressure she was under, she was not as important as improving her character.

The Department of Public Information publishes four news items every day from the morning paper to the evening paper. When discussing news with reporters and editors of the Evening News, she felt that the reporter always chose a seat as if as far away as possible from her. She was extremely sad. Perhaps her strength caused others to feel pressure. Conflicts and conflicts occurred with the host when serving as a producer. After realizing that she was always attached to her own devotion, with jealousy, resentment, struggle, fame and fortune, she let go of her obsession and matured in the media team.

Polio patients participated in the parade and walked through the process after practicing Dafa

At the age of six, Ms. Lan suffered from polio and has never been involved in sports. In 2000, her son’s teacher introduced Falun Dafa to her. She reluctantly said that her physical condition did not allow her and she could not do anything. Falun Gong practitioners answered her optimistically, that it’s okay, you can learn the Fa and practice static exercises first, and do as much as you can. Since then, Ms. Lan has embarked on the road of returning to the true nature.

After Ms. Lan understood the preciousness of Dafa and the truth about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, she wanted to go out with fellow practitioners to speak justice for Dafa. But at that time she was still unable to complete all the movements of the fourth set of exercises. One of her feet is weak, and as soon as she squats down, she immediately falls due to an unstable center of gravity. She stood up again without fear of falling, falling and standing up again and again, feeling that it didn’t take long for her to keep up with the music and complete the exercises without falling.

“This is a state I couldn’t even think of before practicing!” She participated in large-scale Falun Dafa demonstrations many times and successfully completed a few hours’ journey. She also went to Manhattan to clarify the truth. She recalled that when she pulled banners in front of the Chinese consulate, no amount of ice, wind, snow and rain could shake Falun Gong practitioners’ footsteps.

On December 19, 2021, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan attended the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan held at the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium. (Chen Baizhou/The Epoch Times)

Improve with Epoch Media

“I am your fan!” Miss Li participated in events to promote newspapers in The Epoch Times in Taiwan. She often met loyal readers. They were very happy to talk about The Epoch Times and said, “I like to read your China truth reports the most, The Epoch Times The report is very objective and positive. Come on Epoch Times…”. She said that the situation has changed a lot in recent years. The Epoch Times media has become more and more loud in Taiwan, and everyone’s intentions have indeed played a role.

She changed from advertising to promoting newspapers last year. When she first joined, she went to visit the chief of a government agency with her supervisor. He said that when writing the research report, she also quoted the Epoch Times report, “We recommend him to subscribe to the newspaper. He said, that First order ten copies. Through his recommendation, they opened a series of visits. Although sometimes customers will order a newspaper after a visit, but the process of visits is a process of clarifying the truth, which is substantial and meaningful.

She has always been timid and afraid of death since she was a child. She always thinks that she is not well-educated, knowledgeable, and not good at speech, etc. When facing bosses and high-level managers, she is afraid that she will not speak well and dare not see customers alone. In the past, she was dependent on finding colleagues to go out together. The supervisor may have seen her persistence and wanted to make appointments and see clients alone. Overcoming her fear, she made an appointment with a Christian pastor and visited the chairman of the textile industry. They all agree with Epoch Times and subscribe to the newspaper.

To clarify the truth to the Chinese people and get rid of the experience of fighting

Ms. Cai from Taipei said that in a state of meditation and concentration, she often sees the powerful energy of golden light when she closes her eyes and recites the practice. She shared the experience of cultivating the fighting mind in the recitation method, because the personality is very impatient, unable to calm down, easily excited, and speaks very straight. She always feels that there is a bad substance in the body. When the emotional reaction comes up, that substance will be activated. , It will impact the trachea and the environment.

Since August last year, she called the mainland to clarify the truth. In the first few months, mainlanders didn’t take a long time to answer, and those who took a long time to answer were those who often curse and like to debate. During the interaction, my whole body will become tense and feverish, and there will be an aura of wanting to persuade others. She felt that this state was incorrect, so she began to practice “endurance” and checked her fighting spirit in a single thought. During the recitation, she realized that she must first consider the feelings of others.

The client of Ms. Cai’s company has a mainland Taiwanese company and will encounter unreasonable demands or arrogant attitudes from Chinese people at work. She wants to consider others deliberately to be patient, but sometimes she still lingers after she hangs up the phone. She also found that she had a mentality of despising others and being unreasonable. She realized that getting rid of jealousy and complaining was the root cause of fighting, and she understood the principles of the Fa with some kindness, and then she realized that her original compassionate and peaceful mentality was like this.

On December 19, 2021, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan attended the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan held at the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium. (Chen Baizhou/The Epoch Times)

Fa-rectification is hard to come by, overcome fear and bravely clarify the truth

“In the eyes of others, I am a quiet girl,” Ms. Hou said. “But when I was a child, I was very interested in martial arts.” Because of her mother, she went to the nine-day class of Falun Gong. From the video, she saw that Master was very kind. “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” is the principle to follow when talking about the characteristics of the universe. There is a sense of steadiness in my heart. I no longer worry about drifting with the tide in the ever-deteriorating society, and I am determined to be a better and better person.

Ms. Hou, her parents and grandma all practiced and felt very happy. As the “Journey to the West” said: “The human body is rare, the middle-earth life is hard to come by, and the Dharma is hard to come by: all these three are fortunate.” She does data analysis work in the bank during the day, and participates in the NTDTV project after get off work. From drafting, dubbing to trying to broadcast. She was once quite introverted. Even her parents thought she could stand in front of the TV station. It was incredible.

The vice president of the bank knew that Ms. Hou was practising, and at a big meeting, she suddenly named her to share her experience of meditation. Her panicked head went blank, and she ended hastily without seizing the opportunity. She was still angry that she didn’t introduce the beauty of Dafa to everyone. The vice president actually clicked on her again and said that he wanted to understand why she gave people a peaceful feeling. She plucked up the courage to introduce Falun Gong and the transformation of her practice. Everyone listened very carefully. She was very happy that she took the step of clarifying the truth with her colleagues.

On December 19, 2021, the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan was held at the Taipei Heping Basketball Stadium. The picture shows Falun Gong practitioners sharing their practice experience. (Xu Jidong/The Epoch Times)
On December 19, 2021, the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan was held at the Taipei Heping Basketball Stadium. The picture shows Falun Gong practitioners sharing their practice experience. (Xu Jidong / Epoch Times)

Young disciples who come for the Fa, become mothers and cultivate good partners

An eight-year-old elementary school student surnamed Lin said: “My mother told me that I was reborn as a child to obtain the Fa.” Since she was a baby, her mother often took her to the Fa-study site to learn and communicate; She would also set the alarm clock to tell her mother to wake up in the morning exercise; when her mother wanted to clarify the truth, she would also ask her for her opinion. “Mom said, I am a gift from the sky, and a good partner in her practice.”

Mother Lin often spends her spare time reading “Zhuan Falun”, “Hong Yin” and other scriptures with her. Once when I was waiting for the MRT at a MRT station, my mother took a little disciple to read “Hong Yin”, which attracted the attention of the grandfather next to her. Grandpa curiously asked her what grade? Mom said, kindergarten. Grandpa asked in surprise, can you understand the words so small? Mom took out a copy of Dafa materials and gave it to grandpa, saying that she learned a lot of words by practicing Falun Gong.

A little Dafa disciple is unusual. She was almost nine years old and never took medicine because of her discomfort. Generally, children who have a fever are sent to the hospital to take anti-fever medicines. She simply used a towel to apply ice, and within twelve hours, the fever subsided automatically. As long as her stomach hurts, she knows that she is eliminating karma, and she mutters in her heart “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance is good”, and it will be all right in a while.

Use the Internet and call the mainland to care about the Chinese people and listen to the truth.

Ms. Yu, who obtained the Fa and practiced in 2000, said that the feeling of being lucky enough to have Dafa enabled them to actively strive for more opportunities to promote Dafa. After clarifying the truth to mainland netizens on the Internet, she has encountered many Chinese who want to learn Falun Gong, and they want to learn Dafa materials from her. Someone said: “The treasure book is really amazing. After reading a few paragraphs, it makes people feel awkward! I would like to express my deep gratitude!” “A new life will begin soon!”

Some mainland netizens told her: “I have studied Chinese Tuina before, and I have some understanding of the theory of the harmony between man and nature and the balance of Yin and Yang and the five elements. The book of heaven has far exceeded these categories, and it needs to be read dozens or even hundreds of times. Really comprehend and understand thoroughly.” Ms. Yu also called the mainland to persuade the “three quits” (withdraw from the CCP team organization) to ensure safety. Some Chinese said: “I am a party member. Help me retire! You know, I can’t say too much…”

A doctor quit the party after hearing the truth, and said that we should make friends! She also met an 86-year-old man who was unable to move with a stroke. After listening to the first lecture of Zhuan Falun, she said that she thanked Master Li for purifying the body and purifying the mind. He heard the second lecture saying that his right foot had changed and he could walk normally. Ms. Yu felt this was a miracle! When he heard the seventh lecture, he told her: The right hand can also be held high in the exercises.

Participants participate in Fa conferences to find gaps in comparison with study and practice

New Taipei City student Lydia said that seeing the photos of Master Li Hongzhi on the stage was extraordinary, solemn and peaceful, and thousands of students gathered together, which made her feel spectacular. During the time when the epidemic hit the world, there was an atmosphere of fear and worry in society. She felt lucky and inspired to hold such a grand event in Taiwan, and felt that she had to persevere no matter what difficulties she encountered. .

Peipei, a person in the science and technology industry, said that when she first came into contact with Dafa, she once saw many practitioners in front of the dressing room quietly queuing up and observing the rules, and some people automatically picked up trash on the ground and threw them away. At that time, she had a good impression of Falun Gong practitioners. So enter the practice group. She has listened to students sharing her cultivation experience many times in Fa conferences, found the gap between herself and others, and constantly asked herself to compare and learn, improve her character, and gain a lot.

A 69-year-old retired civil servant said that he came into contact with Dafa after getting severely ill. He has come to this day with firm practice. He has not been to the hospital for 19 years and has not relapsed. He is very grateful to Mr. Li for giving him a new life. He shared that if you let go of your persistence for a long time, you can master your life and do everything more fully, especially participating in the project of spreading the Fa, which is the most important task in daily life.

Tainan Mr. Wu has obtained the Fa for 12 years and participated in the Taiwan Fa Conference for the 8th time this year. He said that although he had to wake up very early every time to attend the Fa conference, he would improve and promote himself when he heard the cultivation experience of people from different social strata, and he would go back with full righteous thoughts.

Student Shi, who obtained the Fa in April of this year, said that he is currently a senior and has been obsessed with reading novels before. He feels that he is degenerate and confused about the future. He began to want to find meaning in life. When he came into contact with Falun Gong by chance, he began to devote himself to practice. He believes that the Taiwan Fa Conference is an activity to improve one’s own practice. He hopes that such a good exercise can be promoted to relatives and friends around him, so that more people around him can benefit.

Ms. Zhang from Hualien, who runs a noodle factory in Hualien and has obtained the Fa for 18 years, said that every year she participates in the Fa conference and hopes to be able to learn and practice, and she will also see her own shortcomings. What impressed me the most today was the experience of recitation shared by many speakers, which inspired me to cheer. She feels that memorizing the Fa means keeping the Fa in her heart, because when confronted with conflicts in ordinary society, if there is no Fa to guide her, it will be easy to fight, fail to see her own attachments, and be self-righteous.

On December 19, 2021, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan attended the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan held at the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium. (Chen Baizhou/The Epoch Times)
On December 19, 2021, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan attended the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan held at the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium. (Chen Baizhou/The Epoch Times)
On December 19, 2021, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan attended the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan held at the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium. (Chen Baizhou/The Epoch Times)
On December 19, 2021, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan attended the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan held at the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium. Some Falun Gong practitioners in the speech hall at the front desk of the meeting paid tribute to the founder of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Hongzhi, and said, “Wish Master a Happy New Year!” (Xu Jidong / Epoch Times)
On December 19, 2021, some 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Taiwan attended the 2021 Falun Dafa practice experience exchange meeting in Taiwan held at the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium. Before the meeting, some Falun Gong practitioners in the Children’s Hall paid tribute to the founder of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Hongzhi, “Wish Master a Happy New Year!”. (Lin Shijie/The Epoch Times)

Editor in charge: Li Ling



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