the enormous appeal of Adeyemi’s foot to the Blaugranas!

Zapping Our Mondial TOP 10: The most profitable transfers in history

Present in Turin this Monday for the presentation of the Golden Boy 2021 in Pedri, Karim Adeyemi (19), revelation of the group stage of the Champions League with RB Salzburg, confided in his future.

The German winger told Sport : “We will see what the future holds, for the moment I am a player from Salzburg. (…) Barça is one of the best clubs in the world and I am proud to be a part of it. see me playing for Barca in the future? Of course I do. It’s a great club. ” A call of the foot in the rules of the art.

However, Karim Adeyemi should indeed sign for Borussia Dortmund. According to information from Toni Juanmarti, The latter wants to return to Germany and Barça should not be able to match Salzburg’s claims. The winger does not want to rush before taking the plunge.

to summarize

RB Salzburg German winger Karim Adeyemi (19) told Sport: “Barca are one of the best clubs in the world and I am proud to be a part of it. If I see myself playing for Barca at the future? Of course it does. It’s a great club. “


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