Yoon Doojoon I couldn’t sleep yesterday. Extreme tension on Dday of the national competition Racquet Boys

‘Racquet Boys’ (Photo = Broadcast screen capture)

‘Racquet Boys’ Yoon Doo-joon showed extreme tension.

On the 11th episode of tvN’s ‘Racquet Boys’, which was broadcast on the 20th, the members of the Racquet Boys won one match against the Yongin Badminton Club and participated in the national competition.

On the day of the decisive battle, Yoon Doo-joon headed to the arena and said, “Oh, something is wrong. Something feels strange. I couldn’t sleep at all yesterday.”

Jang Seong-gyu also said, “Oh, I couldn’t sleep, really. I’m more nervous than the day before the entrance exam.” “I think I played badminton at least 10 times in my dream.”

Team ace Vice Seungkwan said, “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this trembling. How long do you think we’ll go? Winning is a little difficult, right?

By Shin Ji-won, staff reporter for Tenasia [email protected]

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