A2 – Basketball Bolzano returns to win: Mantua conquered

External blow of the Acciaierie Valbruna Bolzano that conquers the field of San Giorgio MantovAgricoltura after an overtime for 80-84. Bolzano is dragged by Kuijt, 30 points, and by Pellegrini’s 17: it is the Dutchman who sends everyone to the extension with the triple of 71 all and decides the overtime together with the baskets of Fumagalli and the newly arrived Hernandez Pepe, who seals the match from free. For Mantova 22 by Monica.

San Giorgio Mantov Agriculture – Steelworks Valbruna Bolzano 80 – 84 (18-14, 35-35, 58-51, 71-71, 80-84) (d1ts)

SAN GIORGIO MANTOVAGRICOLTURA: Llorente * 12 (3/11 from 2), Togliani * 4 (1/7, 0/3), Petronio, Buelloni NE, Silocchi NE, Bernardoni * 10 (3/5 from 2), Calzolari 2 ( 0/0, 0/0), Monica * 22 (4/5, 4/6), Ruffo * 15 (4/9, 1/2), Errera NE, Marchi 15 (5/11, 1/10)
Coach: Purrone S.
Shots from 2: 20/49 – Shots from 3: 6/22 – Free throws: 22/26 – Rebounds: 53 20 + 33 (Llorente 16) – Assist: 12 (Bernardoni 5) – Balls Recovered: 9 (Llorente 2) – Lost Balls: 19 (Monica 5) – Cinque Falli: Togliani
ACCIAIERIE VALBRUNA BOLZANO: Fumagalli * 8 (2/4, 1/2), Guilavogui * 9 (4/6 from 2), Gottardi, Kuijt * 30 (4/10, 6/11), Santimaria 7 (1/2, 1/2), Rossi, Fabbricini 5 (2/4 from 2), Sasso, Pellegrini * 17 (1/4, 5/11), Santarelli * 8 (2/4, 1/3)
Coach: Pieces A.
Shots from 2: 16/36 – Shots from 3: 14/30 – Free throws: 10/18 – Rebounds: 36 9 + 27 (Guilavogui 7) – Assist: 11 (Fumagalli 2) – Balls recovered: 10 (Guilavogui 4) – Palle Perse: 15 (Guilavogui 5) – Cinque Falli: Guilavogui
Referees: Mamone L., Lenoci A.

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