“He had judo”. Two words: Maria Elena Boschi humiliates Giuseppe Conte with open microphones and cameras on. Matteo Renzi, leader of Italy Viva, confirms that the leader of the 5 Star Movement he deserted the majority summit convened on Saturday morning to decide what to do in the seventh vote. Conte, in the general confusion, did not show up, forcing those present to update the meeting. Matteo Salvini, Enrico Letta, Antonio Tajani and Renzi are not the only ones amazed: dal 5 Star Movement displaced voices bounce and the motivation, beyond the easy ironies of Boschi, is probably all to be found in the chaos of the Movement.
During the night, the break between the former prime minister (who is not a parliamentarian, and this is no small detail) and Luigi Di Maio has become dramatically in the public domain: Conte, complete with endorsement social network of Beppe Grillo, surprisingly supported the candidacy of Elisabetta Belloni, head of the secret services. A technician, woman, on whom Lega e Giorgia Meloni. From the Pd front, Enrico Letta seems to have been caught in the middle, and it is no coincidence that in the Pd there is great irritation towards his ally Grillino. But the most angry with Conte is Di Maio: “Indecorous method”, the Foreign Minister defined the choice to turn to Belloni. Not out of contradiction to the name, far from it. Di Maio is indeed the biggest sponsor of Miss 007, obviously very close to Farnesina, and rightly fears that the lawyer’s sudden and unscrupulous night out is a way not to throw it, but to burn it.
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