After losing Bruno Bertani, who passed away last August, Baseball Bollate has gone through a severe crisis, which seems to have been resolved thanks to the intervention of a group of fans and former players determined to take an important step for the rebirth of the company. To explain the plan in detail is Paolo Boniardi a ‘’.
“We are first and foremost people linked to sport and in particular to Bollatese baseball and who have contributed in a fundamental way to making the name of our city famous in the world. We don’t want Baseball Bollate to vanish into thin air after decades of great history of people who have given so much to achieve everything that is presented today. A splendid center like few other clubs have in Italy and a history to be defended at all costs and to be pursued absolutely. We met and gave a first corporate structure, accepted in November by the same Federation that granted the affiliation. The presidency is Tony Calasso, I am deputy and a series of other very important figures make up the management staff “.
“A few more certainties, like that of the pitch. First of all, we thank the Municipality that in recent weeks has given us the opportunity to go with our softball friends to the Center in via Verdi and to better arrange the ground of the baseball field which unfortunately had remained abandoned to itself since last August. We have worked hard but with great desire and conviction for a center that is worth the history of our city. At the moment we are just a group of volunteers who do not want to let the main symbol of Bollate end up in oblivion and I hope all the Bollatesi understand this well “.
“The real Bollatesi with a few years behind them will certainly not forget those wonderful 70s, when in every neighborhood there was a baseball team ready to challenge that of the rival neighborhood. This is always in full respect of an immense desire to get together to play all together in a sport linked by an indissoluble combination with the name of our city. We also want future generations to love him as and what happened in the past “.