Basketball:Failed pass: Large penalty for NBA assistant coach
Jan 21, 2022 9:07 am
Directly from the dpa news channel
New York (AP) – The NBA has imposed a $ 10,000 fine on assistant coach David Vanterpool of the Brooklyn Nets.
As the North American basketball professional league announced, the Nets will also receive a $25,000 penalty for the offense of their assistant, who the day before in the game at the Washington Wizards (119:118) had prevented a pass from the hosts by touching the ball . The trio of referees failed to see the situation in the final quarter and allowed the game to continue.
Nets player Kyrie Irving was also fined $25,000 for insulting a spectator at his former club, the Cleveland Cavaliers (107-114). Irving is not vaccinated against Corona and is not allowed to appear in Nets home games due to the applicable rules in New York. The seven-time All-Star was therefore not considered by the Nets at the beginning of the season, but was reactivated in December due to numerous absences and has been involved in at least the away games since the beginning of January.
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