Bengoetxea VI says goodbye in style to Vitoria

Bengoetxea VI said goodbye with the pediment standing. / Igor Martin

“It has been a pleasure to play here under the watchful eye of Don José Mari -Ogueta-“, highlights the striker from Leitza after his victory

Oinatz Bengoetxea said goodbye yesterday to the Ogueta pediment in style. The 821 fans who attended the match surrendered to the magic that the Navarrese striker has displayed both yesterday and in the numerous matches he has played on the legendary Alava stadium. The Navarrese has a special connection with this frontón “hard, which I will always carry in my heart”, and which he is forced to use to the fullest. The same one that has also given him many joys.

Without going any further, it was the stage where he won the txapela within the Cuatro y Medio in 2016. For this reason, when he addressed the fans once the match was over after receiving a small gift from the Vitoria City Council, he had words of thanks . “It has been a pleasure to play here under the watchful eye of Don José Mari -Ogueta-“, he said in reference to the great player from Álava, one of the best of all time. “I have played the games of my life here. I hope you continue to enjoy the ball,” he added. And so that they can do so, the forward did not want to forget Iker Larrazabal, the hope of the territory in professionalism.

last win

Before, he had won his last game in the company of Aretxabaleta, something that he always likes at farewells. They beat Peio Etxeberria and Ladis Galarza (22-18) in a tough confrontation -568 pitches in about an hour and a quarter- in which they had to work hard. They had to be towed by an effervescent start from Zenotz’s striker, but they managed to get the waters back to normal based on work. The solidity of the defender from Markina was rewarded, while Bengoetxea VI managed to mess up as he likes in the happy squares.

After seven draws, the last one at 18, the colorados arrived somewhat more whole at the decisive moment of the confrontation, and Leitza’s man scored a pair of two consecutive walls with which he put the icing on the contest and his goodbye.



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