Cerdanyola rises to third place provisionally

Cerdanyola defeated Bigues i Riells at home by 1-2 and is provisionally promoted to third place in the women’s OK League, after playing some matches on matchday eleven, with three postponed due to COVID-19 cases involving the favorites .

Cerdanyola is third in the women’s OK League


The Cerdanyola defeated the Beams and Rails at home by 1-2 and provisionally rises to third place in the OK Women’s League, after playing some games on the eleventh day, with three postponed due to cases of COVID-19 involving the favorites.

OK Women’s League, matchday 11

Equal 1 Las Rozas 1

Lidergrip Mataró 2 Voltregà Stern 4

Sant Cugat 7 Vilanova 4

Bigues i Riells 1 Cerdanyola Fenie 2


Martinelia Manlleu-Telecable Gijón

Flat Girona-Sports Liceo

Vilasana-General Palau


1. Martinelia Manlleu 30 points.

2. Vilasana 27

3. Cerdanyola Fenie 25

4. Generals Palau 22

5. Telecable Gijon 22

6. Beams and Rails 15

7. Igualada 13

8. Sports Lyceum 10

9. Sant Cugat 10

10. Voltregà Stern 10

11. Las Rosas 8

12. Lidergrip Mataró 6

13. Vilanova 4

14. Plana Girona 1

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