Contact us – Daruma Judo

We are in touch!

Let us share this beautiful martial art with you. To train Judo it is not necessary to have previous knowledge of martial arts, to have traveled the sports world, to be of a specific age or to have an optimal physical condition; You just need to want to know this discipline and want to share a good time with a couple of colleagues. Please, read the recommendations at the end of the page that you need to take into account to train with us.

Location and hours

Our academy is located in the Parkway sector at Carrera 24 # 37-60 piso 3, in front of Almirante Padilla. You can find our dojo by doing click here And we also leave you a map below that can serve as a guide:

Currently, on the Parkway we have class on days Tuesday from 7: 30-9: 00 pm, Friday from 6: 00-8: 00 pm. The sundays we have class in the Minuto de Dios sector from 10: 30-12: 00 m, at the address Transversal 76 No 81G – 04


For your first visit to our academy we want to share the following recommendations.

First, contact us

Call us or write us a message on WhatsApp telling us about when you would like to visit us, either to meet us first or take your courtesy class. It is true that we have schedules, but there are unforeseen events such as special training, saving the world, or whatever else you can imagine. For that reason we want to confirm that that day we will be there to receive you

Second, location

While it is true that the Parkway area is very busy, it is also true that there are not many parking spaces nearby, and the few that exist tend to close early. There are people who leave their car or motorcycle in front of the academy, however this is a risk and it is also prohibited. You can get to our academy by Transmilenio getting off at the “Universidad Nacional” or “Avenida el Dorado” stations and walking for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Third, elements for practice

When you have decided the day for your courtesy class, remember to wear comfortable clothing for training such as sweat pants or shorts and a shift shirt that is not skeleton type. If you are one of those people who sweat a lot, we recommend bringing a personal washcloth. In the same way, do not forget to bring a bottle of water for your hydration

Room, medical preexistence

Although in principle all people and body types are welcome to practice Judo, it is important that you tell us if you have any important medical preexistence that may affect your practice. From that little ankle sprain at the soccer game with friends, to more complex episodes such as epilepsy, heart attacks or any other condition that you think we should know about.

Fifth, vaccination card

COVID has been a very complicated issue that has shaken our society, and the practice of Judo has been no exception. For this reason, it is necessary that you have your entire vaccination schedule and carry your card when you visit our academy. The fact that we can continue to share this practice with our colleagues without putting ourselves at risk is a commitment of all

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301 2312070 | Monday Saturday

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We are very aware of your questions!


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