Court of Penalties of the Soriano Regional Basketball League, declared the match with Sandú lost to Nacional de Fray Bentos and took away the presentation point

Court of Penalties of the Soriano Regional Basketball League, declared the match with Sandú lost to Nacional de Fray Bentos and took away the presentation point

With this determination, Sandú enters the group of teams classified for the next phase and Racing remains, being out of competition, Nacional fraybentino

The Court of Penalties of the Soriano Regional Basketball League announced the decision of the match between Nacional de Fray Bentosss and Sandú Chico de Mercedes, because the Council of the League derived the form on the understanding that the Fraybentino tricolor did not comply with the regulation of having four under 23 players on the squad for said match and included as such a player who, coming from another League, was taken as an adult even though he was under 23 years of age.

The Court determined that the Fraybentinos would not only lose the point earned in the game, but that the point of the presentation would also be removed and thus they would be left out of the classified teams.

Surely there will be an appeal from the tricolor institution of Fray Bentos and this will determine the delay in the resumption of the 83rd Competition Championship, which has initially been set for next Tuesday.

Here is the verdict of the Penal Court:


Mercedes, January 14, 2022

Gathered the Court of Penalties of the Basketball League of Mercedes and before the forms:

1- Regarding the form dated 1/10/2022 corresponding to the meeting between Club Sandú – Club Nacional in the senior category, seen:

* That the League submits to this Court a form notifying the action of a disqualified player at Club Nacional de Fray Bentos.

* That Club Sandú files a protest requesting the granting of the point in dispute, not paying in time and in the corresponding legal form.

* That the National Club discharges assuming the infraction and requesting that the presentation point not be withdrawn.

* That Club Racing was given a view, as possibly affected by our ruling, which was evacuated in a timely manner.


* That the complaint of the non-regulatory situation reached this Court by the Basketball League

* That despite the fact that the protest presented by Club Sandú cannot be processed because it did not meet the admissibility requirements in a timely manner (it contravened Art. 102 of the General Regulations of our League, it did not pay the right to protest).

* Likewise, given the knowledge that we take due to communication from the League, we understand that we must rule on the situation, bearing in mind art. 8 and 11 of our Code of Penalties.

* By this is understood the National Club, committed a serious illegal offense, not complying with what was voted in the generalities by not including 4 under 23 chips in their team to play the match with Club Sandú. Given this, he loses the match.

* This loss of party also implies the loss of the presentation point since, as at the time of voting the generalities, something other than what governs us by regulation was not established, we must apply the general rules to bridge the legal vacuum.

* This Court understands that art. 136 of the General Regulations of the Soriano Basketball League, so when a disqualified player acts, it is up to the National Club to consider the match lost, as well as to have him not presented, losing said presentation point.

RESOLVED: According to arts. 8, 11 of our Code of Penalties, arts. 102, 136 of our General Regulations of the Soriano Basketball League, generalities voted in minutes 1 of this period.

Having Club Nacional de Básquetbol not presented in a match played on January 10, 2021 against Club Sandú, therefore losing the point for having won the match with the performance of a disabled player and the presentation point for the same reason, refer these actions to the Board of Directors for the purposes of applying art. 36 section B of the General Regulations of our League, when a fine corresponds, it must be paid within 30 days.

Award the disputed point to Club Sandú”.




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