Divisional predictions: 50/50 (almost) everywhere!

Is the divisional weekend the best of the year? In any case, it is one of the most undecided. The proof with predictions more shared than ever in the editorial staff!

It’s simply 50/50 in three of the four games. The Packers are the only ones to be unanimous!

In the ranking, in addition, you have to play tactics! Raphaël Masmejean (192) is still in the lead, but his lead over Alain Mattei (191) and Raoul Villeroy (191) is tiny. Victor Roullier (190), Gregory Richard (181) and Lucas Vola (177) follow. Be careful, in the playoffs, it’s two points per game!

To predict, you can join the TDActu league on Pronos between friends.

Podcast team predictions

Domicile Outside Alain Raoul Gregory Raphael Lucas Victor
1 Titans Bengals Bengals Titans Titans Bengals Titans Bengals
2 Packers 49ers Packers Packers Packers Packers Packers Packers
3 Buccaneers Rams Buccaneers Buccaneers Rams Rams Buccaneers Rams
4 Chiefs Bills Bills Bills Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs Bills


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